Three days after my covid 19 vaccine I began to get numbness in my right leg. Within a few days my leg was painful and numb and my right arm also, i had weird sensations running accross my face. I had weakness and dizziness and slurred speak. I rang 111 and they sent an ambulance and i spent almost a week in hospital. They checked for clots and monitored me. However bad I felt my obs were fine which I couldn't understand. I had some scary symptoms but the doctor discharged me unable to walk properly saying I was medically fit! I spent 1 night at home before I had another episode where my left arm and shoulder dropped and then i began to shake. Scared out my wits I rang an ambulance. I couldn't even walk to get in it. I spent another week on the stroke ward being treated like an anxious patient as I had a few breathing episodes which culminated in shaking. They did an ecg and sats and bp and everything was fine. I couldn't understand what was happening to my my body! I was discharged 2 days ago and i am managing my symptoms at home. Ive not been formerly diagnosed with FND but have been referred to a Neurologists and its looking likely. I am hoping that it will just go away as quickly as it came
Covid 19 Vaccine brought on FND. My s... - Functional Neurol...
Covid 19 Vaccine brought on FND. My story

Hi where do you live ? Check out
Mine started after an injection in my neck so I feel for you it’s frightening when all this stuff starts happening. I went back to work three days after my injection as advised and I was sitting at work and suddenly started to feel very unwell. I have no idea how I got down to the medical room my legs had gone weird speech slurred making no sense confused etc etc work called an ambulance as suspected a stroke got to hospital had all stroke tests it was felt it wasn’t a stroke could have been a TIA mini one would need to go back next day all sorts of things were happening symptoms wise it was all very scary eventually 18 months later diagnosed with Functional movement disorder and never returned to work.
Hi Jo..thanks for sharing your story. This is very similar circumstances to mine. Ive been like this 4 weeks and im afraid my life will have to change forever just like yours. I was fit and active with a good job and healthy lifestyle. Im in Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Hi Denise I do hope not check out some of the you tube talks dr stone and Professor mark Edwards have done on functional neurological disorder also check out Professor Mark Edwards is at St. George’s in Tooting and I believe dr Stone is in Scotland you could try doing a search for fnd specialists in your area but I’m not aware of any. If you see many neurologists locally many are not very knowledgeable and still insist in sending you down the mental health route because they haven’t caught up with the science many of our community are not always treated favourable so I only go to see Pro Edwards now.
Hi Jo. Thanks for the information and taking the time to reply and share your story. Would be good to keep in touch
I would be happy to do that as I know how worrying it can be, educate yourself as much as possible regarding this condition. Work wise access to work can be extremely helpful it’s a free government body and they can be great for advice equipment training all sorts. I’m on Facebook and messenger under jo fisher probably and maybe horsham still but I don’t live there now but it is a photo of my son or son and daughter not me I believe.
Hi Denise. There's an FND clinic at Sheffield Hospital. I haven't been there but maybe someone on here has? Or you could try asking on the FND Hope Facebook. Good luck!
Oh no thats ashame does sound like sneaky FND by not showing up but disabling you anyway. I had a week in stroke unit to but nit because of the jag just Hemepligic migraine that lead to stroke symptoms leaving me with FND. All I can say is there are good days symptom free then other days my body won't work properly. X