This book is quite useful for you to get an insight of FND and how to manage your symptoms. It is available on Amazon.
Have you read this book? : This book is... - Functional Neurol...
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Yes my friend it does help if you have knowledge of the illness and the understanding of why you feel the way you do. It also recommends how you should react to your symptoms. You should try. It was actually recommended to me in the hospital by a CBT practitioner.
No sorry I haven't read this book is it any good
I have been reading it for several months. It can be helpful. Doing the journaling along with it helps even more.
This book is honestly in my mind one of the best investments aside from FNDhope that can help you stay in a positive direction! It does cover many area's some that may not be of your issues, however it has some great content for everyone and can really open up your mind to what's going on. The book is more then a collection of info, it also has a chapter by chapter workbook/journal that can be super helpful helping you identify your own issues & something to use with Neurologists & Psychiatrists doing your visits as it will track your issues and understand of where they come from. I could imagine many do not have the opportunity to see a doctor to help them and they rely on self help, please get this book!! It will truly help you feel better as you get more into it, I want to get past FND I finally feel with my full treatment plan I will, it will take time but I am hopeful. Much love to all <3