Since I've been diagnosed with FND I've found that I don't have the patience I had before, I can easily get round up normally over nothing or something silly , it's worrying as I don't want to course any argument or fall outs .
Do you find you don't have the patien... - Functional Neurol...
Do you find you don't have the patience you used to have before FND

I found this happened a lot after i got ill and tbh I think there are a variety of reasons why it happens.First of all, we are having to deal with all of the little trials and tribulations of life while feeling terrible most of the time so of course we're going to have lower tolerance and get grumpy. Its really hard.
The other thing which does add to this reduced tolerance too is the sad loneliness which accompanies an FND diagnosis. Often because we can't do things and socialise we can become easily isolated and introverted and because of that isolation as friendship activities are unsustainable, we focus in on ourselves as a natural consequence.
Its a bit similar to the way in which a person who has found themselves single again late in life is used to doing everything around their needs and they become thrir exclusive focus and get disgruntled when their routines change.
When we are chronically ill we spend much of our time alone focusing on how we can possibly meet our needs and often its too much mental energy to take on other people's issues and perspectives.
Its not that we're mean or selfish - its a natural consequence of both the isolation and depression we find ourselves in as well as the huge fatigue which accompanies FND.
Be kind to yourself. Those who are truly your friends will understand how tough things are. Those who don't were probably just fair weather friends to begin with.
Like this reply you couldn't have explained it any better,every day is a struggle I have tried to take my life on numerous occasions because of FND I wake up every morning frustrated because I've not managed to do it all I think about is here we go another day of pain weakness, and struggling.Yes it does make me feel as if i'm angry all the time sometimes I can't even talk to my friends on the phone because I feel so drained and inside my head i'm saying to myself ,oh my god will you just shutup.I said in another post that I would love to give people my head and say,here try to function when you feel like this.If your hypersensitive to noise like iam then that can make you angry very quickly iv'e got to sit in silence sometimes with the tv of and loop earbuds in just to give my brain a break from noise because I would go crazy if I didn't.
Its understandable but if you feel you heart racing faster or your temperature rising, take a step back/exit the room, breathe and re-evaluate.
I believe anyone who suffers the way we FND Warriors do, have less tolerance for anything and everything. Less patience, definitely. Less energy, absolutely. Shorter fuse. Yup.
Hello Friend, Well I think it’s a good start that you are fully aware that you don’t have patience the way you did. I totally understand you. Yes, it’s quite normal to have limited patience if you suffer with FND. I have the same problem and I breathe every moment through while I am under attack by my own anger. FND is FRUSTRATING and every new day is different. When my inner tremors are at its worst and accompanied by my speech output muddled and I don’t recall memory well, then my mobility becomes limited - all of it just builds up anxieties leading to lack of patience. I deal with this by isolating myself from others until these feelings passes, that way I don’t stand a chance of hurting anyone feelings especially when they don’t understand how my emotions got to where it did. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. My isolation takes place in my green house doing something that takes me away from focusing on myself. I have a room that I created to nourish the creative arty parts of my brain. I find that to do something that prevents me focusing on the moments where I have no patience is healing and therapeutic. Friendships are difficult to keep. However, you are in the right place with all of us here. Have a beautiful evening.
Hi Starlight circle Thank you for your message, I don't have many friends at all you could even say no friends, I seem to get hungry very quick normally for no reason my patience soon runs out , at times I just want someone to talk too but that's never going to happen, if I can get in to my happy place my garden I'm happy .
This cold weather and dark nights don’t help its been raining all day here so I'm very fed up .
I'm grateful for my friends on here people just like your self Thank you for chatting to me .
Stay safe and hope we can chat soon .
Hello Littlecook. I believe you really need to look after number one(yourself) and this is crucial. Monitor your hunger. For example, how soon you need to eat after you’ve had a meal. If you’re finding that it’s often between meals, look at your diet carefully. Less sugar, more protein and fibre. Keep hydrated. Oats for breakfast is awesome to keep you going for longer. I have mine made with milk, sugar and a pinch of grated nutmeg. It’s soooo satisfying. You can get creative with food that is right for you to enjoy. You’re not alone. I used to be the same, and I feel it had a lot to do with my emotions at the time. Now, I need to be reminded to eat. FND patients has a growing list of symptoms to contend with. I snack on seasonal fruit rather than fruit that’s available all year long in our supermarkets. It makes me look forward to see what each season brings and it excites me greatly.
Littlecook, don’t let the cold, dark nights bring you down. Look up, the winter skies holds beautiful, intriguing pleasures. My Son introduced me to an aura app. I love it. I don’t go out into the cold but turn the lights out indoors and use every window to see the skies. I’m finding out more about stars, aura and hey, next time you look up at the moon, just know I am one amongst many looking up with you. Recall the very first moment when we made that choice to sign up on here….that was the first step we made to take action and be rid of loneliness. Together, we can achieve more positive ways of coping with ourselves. Let loneliness works for us, rather than us be the slaves to loneliness. I use it for inspirations, developing news ideas, it makes me smarter with creative coping mechanisms. If something works for you, do share with me. I guess, like me you are looking forward to the spring to be in your garden. Littlecook, know that you are a wonderful person. Thank you for bringing a positive change to my life. Have a beautiful day.
hi I get very irritable crabit I also now swear a lot don't have the patience and can't be bothered with people I get frustrated dropping things etc
Hi yes very inpatient irritable crabit swear a lot wasn't like that before fnd frustrated