If you live in UK and have FND you may wish to check your online medical record has not been incorrectly updated.
I have had FND for over 12 years following a virus. When I was diagnosed 10 years ago, my consultant neurologist wrote a clear diagnosis letter, stating that I have a physical illness. I recently went to check something on my online medical record, and noticed that they had added "Conversion Disorder (psychological)" to the summary of my conditions. I emailed and asked them to change it to my actual diagnosis, and could see they had changed it to " Psychogenic Conservation Disorder ". I have never been diagnosed with Conversion Disorder.
I have just had a long conversation with the practice manager at my surgery. It transpires that something insidious is afoot; a GP did not update my medical record, a computer did! Apparently the coding for conditions has been updated on the computer system, and it had modified all cases of FND to Psychogenic Conservation Disorder. When she tried to update it manually it changed it back and gave the message "the preferred term for FND is Psychogenic Conservation Disorder ". When I explained that whilst Conservation Disorder is a Functional Neurological Disorder, not all Functional Neurological Disorders are Conservation Disorder, she found a way of tricking it into saying FND, but she said I should check it regularly because she isn't confident it won't happen again.
I hope nobody else is impacted, but felt it best to warn you all just in case.
Best wishes