Is there a type of work that people with FND find to be suitable? I used to be a Horticulturist, with landscaping on the side, have had to give that up, but it's been my life and struggling to find anything comparable, I still want to work!
Types of Employment : Is there a type... - Functional Neurol...
Types of Employment

Hi Robyn83
Not sure where you are, but my response is for a UK post.
It's great that you still yourself working. Well done you. If you think you can - don't stop trying.
The major part of your dilemma outside of you illness is 'skill sets'. These are vital in recruitment and most are extremely poor at getting to grips with them. You will have hundreds. Once you have a better idea of your own it will help you channel your efforts in to opportunities that might be able to accommodate your condition. It can be done.
First thing to do is get a skills assessment. These are available free in the UK online. Search for National Careers Service. Once on their site look for a Skills Health Check. You will probably see two, a short one and a more in depth version. For your purposes take the longer of the two. It will take you anything from 1-2 hrs to complete. Don't worry if you feel you can't do it all at once, you can save & return. When completing it is important that you approach it with COMPLETE honesty. Remember, you can't do what you used to, bear your health condition in mind.
Once completed it will generate a report BASED ON YOUR INPUT. There is no hidden agenda behind this site, it is independent - used by careers professionals nationally.
The report will outline employment areas and jobs based on your input. Do not be too sceptical about suggestions, keep your mind open. Where it suggests particular job roles go to the Job Profile section on the site and enter the role in it's search bar. It will then give you a thorough run-down of that occupation.
On a personal note, my conditions turned my life upside down some years ago & continue to ravage me. Everyday different. Everyday ill to some extent or other. No patterns. Seldom any warnings. Madness.
I have kept working. It hasn't been easy and remains a daily challenge. It's worth every moment. Not particularly the money (helps obviously), but the satisfaction, focus, and sense of achievement. Really bloody hard some days, and as you might guess, occasionally I lose, but....
Old Japanese proverb: "Get knocked down seven times, stand up eight".
If you want to you usually will.
Thank you, I'm based in Australia, and have not come across something like that, will try doing some more digging and see if anything like that here.
I see a few different doctors/ specialists for back issues and Type 1 diabetes, and tried to explain to them this new diagnosis, non of them have heard of it, and keep blaming it on the existing conditions, which is frustrating, and then there is the job agency specialising in people with disabilities, and keep referring me back to jobs I used to do- landscaping and horticulture work, that I now can't do🙄. Feel like I am walking and talking against a brick wall...
Hi Robyn83,
The Oz employment economy is not too different from that in the UK (hiring etc.), so initially would recommend you have a go on the UK site:
Your change in working/occupation will be a challenge but it can be done (even allowing for your health) - it needs research to understand what your doing - getting it wrong can be soul destroying, so set yourself up to move forward, not fail.
Stay in touch with your progress (maybe through 'Chat' on this site), I'll try to guide you through some of the complexities.
Go for it! Nothing to loose!!!
Hi Robyn
I haven’t any suggestions with work ideas as it depends on your symptoms sorry but I work admin. I was fortunate that when I got symptoms and a couple years later got diagnosed that I was with the same employee and they have accommodated everything to keep me at work. Sadly 10 hours a week is now all I can manage so hence the earlier “depending on your symptoms”... I know if you are having trouble with Australian agencies sending you on jobs you are now unable to do, you may be able to show them the letter on the fnd Australia support services Facebook group under files regarding fnd being a permanent condition with a range of symptoms. This may help them to understand at least and also if down the track you choose the NDIS route ( hit and miss though with those applying). I do understand the importance of working to feel empowered and personally without my few hours of social interaction and money I’d be lost. On the Aus services support page people have discussed this before so you may be able to also find more ideas on the work front.
The lovely CRPSplus has brought up some really good points though to look at as well.
Sorry your struggling I know that feeling back in June I had to give up being a veterinary nurse I physically can not do it anymore it’s gutting. Hopefully you can find the info others have you helpful and the support on here helps you.
Thank you CRPplus I’m going to check that out now been told I am fit enough for work by a DWP assessment but they disregarded the brain fog making concentrating on a task and especially reading being really difficult, fingers crossed the web link you sent will help.
Susie 😺
Hello, I have asked this question at job centre interviews many times, to be told they now have specialist careers advisors that you can make an appointment to see. As I've yet to have the pleasure having been signed off unfit for work I cannot further advise, but I would be most interested in anyone's experience of the super-workcoach. Kindest regards