Did you need to change job because of the symptom? I used to be carpenter but need to find a new career because of a work accident. Was hoping to find a job to move a bit but i can't use one of my hand normaly. If i can walk or fall in job where there danger like sewer and chimical product.... what do you think? I would be really sad to do just computer work. For me computer is a nigthmare.
Changing career because of fnd? - Functional Neurol...
Changing career because of fnd?

Hi if you live in the U.K. contact access to work as they should be able to help you and it’s a free government service as well. There’s aLso a disability worker at the job centre to help people like yourself. Unfortunately I don’t know about other countries. Also speak to the voluntary services to you locally as they might have so great contacts and ideas for you also.
If you could do computer work, I consider you lucky. At present, while I can type some, I now make far too many errors to even be in front of a computer on the clock. My communication skills have all been affected and because computers generate heat, I cannot stand cold environments. Don't get me wrong, I loved my more physical jobs but FND affeccts my movement and I have developed spondylosis in my cervical and thracic regions of my back. I feel embarrassed by it because I'm not even 40 yet and I was way more active than I am now.
To get back on Track, I second what Jofisher says if you live in the UK but if you are stateside, Contact Social Security and find out all you can about Ticket to Work. You might even have to apply for social security though.
Thank you. I'm from canada. The doctor just gave me a paper that maybe i have fnd, ask my to find a physio specialise in this. Now i can walk but never know...
I was just diagnosed after having this for 4 years after a work car accident. I had to medically retire due to pain and gait/standing shaking. I was in a physical career that demanded one to be able-bodied. For me, the medical retirement was entirely challenging because it was my identity for 17 years. I had regular PT soon after my symptoms started, but I had to be carried out to my car most times. My specialist informed me of a PT who specializes in FND, so I’m hoping she’ll be able to help me. See if anyone knows a specialist physical therapist where you are or maybe search online. Good luck to you. I hope you find something else you enjoy!