Balance problems: hello, I was... - Functional Neurol...

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Balance problems

Michael1991 profile image
8 Replies

hello, I was wondering if someone can help I've had a problem for 7years that has lately affected me more.

It first started in 2012 late 2013.​

I remember waking up one day and feeling very dizzy at first I thought maybe I need something to eat or I was coming down with a cold so I carried on with the day, but after a few days I still felt dizzy so I went to the doctors.​

the doctor looked in my ear and noticed one of my ears was red so he said it was probably a ear infection the dizziness will go away in due time, so after a few days the dizziness disappeared but I was left with a off balance sensation (I still struggle to describe the off balance feeling​

its like the floor doesn't feel solid sometimes it feels like its moving very slowly)​

so I went back to the doctors and I was referred to the ENT clinic and for a mri scan of the brain the mri scan came back normal so there was no concern there,​

I went to the Ent clinic and had a few tests done I cant really remember all of them but I know I had my ears cleaned, hearing tests, vng test and some other basic tests but nothing came up I was told something is affecting my balance so I was given some balance exercises so after a few weeks there was no real improvement I almost got used to it, so i went back to the doctors and he said maybe it was anxiety (i am a very anxious person to be fair but my problem seems to real for it just to be anxiety) so he put me on sertraline to calm my anxiety.​

there was a slight improvement but balance still way off.​

so i looked at everything i was doing and around the time my life was go to the gym in the morning do heavy weight lifting and go home and play computer games till early in the morning (now i look back i should of been working full time job but i cant change the past hopefully i can change the future) so i stopped going to the gym and cut down on computer games but yet again no improvement so i basically just had to grit my teeth and get on with it.​

over the years i had a lot of ideas what it may of be but never really got to the bottom of it these are a few things that affect and worsen my balance,​

soft soled trainers so i always now wear trainers with a hard sole or boots​

motion from cars buses trains escalators elevators when i get off the floor is bouncing very strange sensation can be quite scary but sometimes i don't get this sensation from any of the above,​

sitting for long periods of time watching tv when i stand up floor sometimes feels like its moving like I'm on a boat but yet again sometimes its not as bad.​

few other things but these i believe are the main triggers that worsen my balance.​

so i avoided most of these for a few years and only had to do them if i really needed to i literally used to walk everywhere and would avoid any of the motions.​

so over the next few years i again just had to get on with things i used to have good days bad days but it was a case of the next day will be better after a good nights sleep.​

so back in October i started feeling terrible i felt drained everyday had headaches everyday and my balance was really off so i had no option to go on sick leave from work till i found out what was going on during that time it was really busy at work setting up for Christmas so a lot of heavy lifting wooden boards and industrial shelving.​

so i went back to the doctors and the doctor i saw believed my sertraline medication stopped working so i was put on a different medication for anxiety to be fair the headaches disappeared but the balance problems was still off more than usual. so i was again referred to the ent clinic but i did some research and found some problems was related to the skeleton so i went to a chiropractor he did a few test and also believes there is something affecting my balance he believes it may be a semi circular canal problem ( he told me between your eyes and ears there are basically little spirit levels that affect your balance and one of mine was off so that was affecting my balance) also he has been manipulating my neck ive had neck x ray in the last few months because ive had a bit of neck pain but x ray came back fine but my neck does crack a lot but also do a lot of my joints maybe its just getting older or maybe something else i try not to think to much into it just something else that plays on my mind, he also give me some shoe supports to help straighten my feet when i walk. he also did a food test he explained to me some foods can make the body weak he tested me on a few foods basically something i would ate everyday or once every 2 days he tested few foods no problems but i did go a bit weak when i ate cheese but not on other dairys foods i tried milk and chocolate and no problems so he said it might be worth avoiding dairy foods so i cut down on dairy and had no cheese what so ever. so after a few chiropractor visits a slight improvement but not as much i would of liked to see.​

he also give me a few excercises but maybe i should of stuck to them more but whilst doing them my balance felt worse so i stopped doing them.​

so my appointment at the ent came he did a few tests rombergs etc but again nothing so he sent me for a mri scan of the acoustic meatus im still awaiting the result of the scan but its been 3 weeks so hopefully no news is good news but at the same time i think deep down i would be glad if something did show because this problem had affected me for years and i would like answers.​

also some other things ive been for​

eye tests one eye is bit weaker got glasses for that​

went for a hearing test no problems​

so yeah any kind of information would mean a lot i hope one day i will find out the problem it just feels lately im giving up from the outside i look fine but inside im mentally drained everyday my mind is thinking constantly, maybe it is anxiety but im 95% sure it isn't.

I'm just hoping one day I may find a answer depression is taking over I feel like a cliff slowly crumbling away every day

sorry for going on a bit and thank you for reading

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Michael1991 profile image
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8 Replies
Batty1 profile image

Balance problems can be caused by several different conditions. The cause of balance problems is usually related to the specific sign or symptom.

Sense of motion or spinning (vertigo)

Vertigo can be associated with many conditions, including:

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when calcium crystals in your inner ear — which help control your balance — are dislodged from their normal positions and move elsewhere in the inner ear. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo in adults. You might experience a spinning sensation when turning in bed or tilting your head back to look up.

Meniere's disease. In addition to sudden and severe vertigo, Meniere's disease can cause fluctuating hearing loss and buzzing, ringing or a feeling of fullness in your ear. The cause of Meniere's disease isn't fully known. Meniere's disease is rare and typically develops in people who are between the ages of 20 and 40.

Migraine. Dizziness and sensitivity to motion (vestibular migraine) can occur due to migraine headache. Migraine is a common cause of dizziness.

Acoustic neuroma. This noncancerous (benign), slow-growing tumor develops on a nerve that affects your hearing and balance. You might experience dizziness or loss of balance, but the most common symptoms are hearing loss and ringing in your ear. Acoustic neuroma is a rare condition.

Vestibular neuritis. This inflammatory disorder, probably caused by a virus, can affect the nerves in the balance portion of your inner ear. Symptoms are often severe and persistent, and include nausea and difficulty walking. Symptoms can last several days and gradually improve without treatment.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Also known as herpes zoster oticus, this condition occurs when a shingles-like infection affects the facial, auditory and vestibular nerves near one of your ears. You might experience vertigo, ear pain, facial weakness and hearing loss.

Head injury. You might experience vertigo due to a concussion or other head injury.

Motion sickness. You might experience dizziness in boats, cars and airplanes, or on amusement park rides. Motion sickness is common in people with migraines.

Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness. This disorder occurs frequently with other types of vertigo. Symptoms include unsteadiness or a sensation of motion in your head. Symptoms often worsen when you watch objects move, when you read, or when you are in a visually complex environment such as a shopping mall.

Feeling of faintness or lightheadedness

Lightheadedness can be associated with:

Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension). Standing or sitting up too quickly can cause some people to experience a significant drop in their blood pressure, resulting in presyncope.

Cardiovascular disease. Abnormal heart rhythms (heart arrhythmia), narrowed or blocked blood vessels, a thickened heart muscle (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), or a decrease in blood volume can reduce blood flow and cause presyncope.

Loss of balance or unsteadiness

Losing your balance while walking, or feeling imbalanced, can result from:

Vestibular problems. Abnormalities in your inner ear can cause a sensation of a floating or heavy head, and unsteadiness in the dark.

Nerve damage to your legs (peripheral neuropathy). The damage can lead to difficulties with walking.

Joint, muscle or vision problems. Muscle weakness and unstable joints can contribute to your loss of balance. Difficulties with eyesight also can lead to unsteadiness.

Medications. Loss of balance or unsteadiness can be a side effect of medications.

Certain neurologic conditions. These include cervical spondylosis and Parkinson's disease.


A sense of dizziness or lightheadedness can result from:

Inner ear problems. Abnormalities of the vestibular system can lead to a sensation of floating or other false sensation of motion.

Psychiatric disorders. Depression (major depressive disorder), anxiety and other psychiatric disorders can cause dizziness.

Abnormally rapid breathing (hyperventilation). This condition often accompanies anxiety disorders and may cause lightheadedness.

Medications. Lightheadedness can be a side effect of medications.

Your issue probably extends from not being treated for your ear issue.

210272 profile image

Agree with Batty1 that there are many conditions that can cause these kinds of symptoms and many triggers, including ototoxic medication, vitamin deficiency etc. I'm wary of chiropractors because people have had these symptoms triggered by chiropractic manipulations. Given the symptoms you're experiencing, I'd suggest a consultation with a migraine specialist, especially one who knows their way around vestibular migraine. I'd also get checked for orthostatic intolerance via a tilt-table test.

If anyone tries to fob you off by telling you it's your anxiety that's causing these symptoms, stand up slowly and walk away.

Spanner46 profile image

Hi Michael1991,

You seem to have some of my problems. I had a very busy lifestyle and started to struggle but put it down to workload and age. I then develop odd ear sensations, then i found i could barely stand up, falling into things (people thought i were really drunk). Dr's appt suggested Vertigo, 7 wks of different tablets, exercises and i was bad as i was when it started. I was referred to ENT, various tests, hearing and eyesight, then the dreaded MRI, all which showed nothing so the ENT Specialist was going to dismiss me, but i got short with him and said I know there is something very wrong with me as i have not felt like this is my life. (by then i had, tremors, weird head sensations, weakness, fatigue etc etc etc). At this point he referred myself to a Neurologist who after several tests, and all my ongoing and continually adding symptoms diagnosed myself with FND. I too can relate to the balance sensations i described it as walking across a trampoline as the floor has no substance to it, or it is like constantly being on a ferry, else it is as if you are really really drunk. I realise i have very gradually had these symptoms coming on for 5 yrs, but due to the severity i had to give up work in 2017. I also have continual headaches, my neck feels stiff, i also get tremors sometimes uncontrollable, but every single day throughout the day/night also varying in their severity. I find i am better to do hardly anything and if i do do things take it steady, and only do what i might manage, it is more like being an 80 yr old. I rarely go out as it is too much effort, if i do it is always escorted and if i have to come home after half an hour so be it. If i do get out, usually i cannot get up the next day till 2/3pm. If i have no symptoms (which is rare) i generally feel unwell, which that tends to bring you down, but i constantly keep reminding myself that i do have this disorder, hence that awful feeling of dread. I find that this website has been very helpful as usually someone can liken to the symptoms you are having, whereas usually no one in my life can, so they do not understand. Lastly (thank goodness) you usually look fine so that in itself makes people not realise what you are experiencing.


Michael1991 profile image

Thank you all for your responses means a lot, I'm going to the doctors Saturday I'm definitely going to be asking the doctor a lot more questions, also found out my MRI scan of the accoustic meatus was normal today so that's at least one possibility crossed off, it seems like there's layers to a balance disorder and it's like picking the layers off to find out exactly what's causing these problems.

I'm going to do everything I can in the new year to find out what's the cause I think knowing what's causing it will help so much I'm constantly thinking literally all day what it could be. I've always thought anxiety isn't causing this problem it may make me feel worse but it's not the root cause.

in reply toMichael1991

All comments seem to sum up the main possibilities but this link might also be useful for you to read prior to seeing your doctor:

formack profile image

hi michael, consider pppd. I have mal de debarquement syndrome combined with pppd.

Michael1991 profile image

I have believed many times it is Mal de debruquement I have seen it on Google and been convinced it was that especially the bouncing sensation after being in cars or motion but I've been told many times by doctors not to self diagnose myself, it's easy for them to say that they see me for 10 minutes and think they have the answers, I'm going to ask the doctors a lot of questions also going to ask about food allergies/ intolerance have noticed I feel worse especially after takeaway food.

Anxiety isn't good especially with balance problems my mind is thinking about anything and everything but one thing that is making me think about food is back before this problem I was having a lot of stomach problems to the point were I had to have a colonoscopy nothing came from it and doctor put it down to ibs but some days I think I might if been misdiagnosed and the balance problems was the 2nd part of the 1st problem or maybe it's me thinking to much.

Something else I've noticed last few months my right ear feels strange, feels like there's something in my ear feels like there's glue in my ear, evertime I yawn or gulp feels like my right ear drum opens and closes slowly crackling noises as well.

also something I've had for years maybe it might be something or not but when I walk I can hear like a ticking/ clicking noise like metal balls tapping each other at first I thought it may be my teeth tapping each other but happens when I've kept mouth open so don't think it's my teeth.

Maybe I need to explain myself better at the doctors sometimes when I go I feel I forget to mention certain things but new year I'm going to hound the doctors for answers.

Michael1991 profile image

Went to doctors today did a few tests one he did was a test were I lie on a table and he slowly lowers whilst looking at one side then the other nothing happened from that test, also been prescribed a tablet called betahistine il give those a go never been on a tablet for this problem so maybe might help.. he looked in my ears said my right eardrum was dull told to keep a eye on it.

Have a new found sense maybe I'm on the right track Its reassuring to know I'm not the only person with these problems been looking at this website a lot seems to be a problem that a lot of people suffer with hopefully one day everyone finds the answers they want and get this problem sorted/managed.

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