I've been diagnosed with FND for nearly 6 years now. Daily seizures my worse symptom. Others just keep coming. Now I've started to notice that eating makes me nauseous. It's beginning to put me off eating. Anyone else feel like this?
Food starting to make me nauseous - Functional Neurol...
Food starting to make me nauseous

Recently I noticed I having problems eating in the morning - and for me the hunger I was feeling is being reported as nausea. I think it is unrelated to FND (I have some fibroids I need rid of that I am blaming) but the FND isn't helping.
The big thing I noticed was that eating my breakfast (for pills it is mandatory) has become a real chore. I have even been to the point I am having my handful of pills with a couple of biscuits.
A minor change in where I get my food from has made a difference. I am now getting my milk delivered from a dairy instead of supermarket milk. I am enjoying the better flavour and so am enjoying breakfast (I still feel more nauseous than hungry in the morning).
You might have a different reason to be nauseous but the old pregnancy tricks might work for you too - ginger, small meals and most importantly things you enjoy.
If you are eating too little don't fret on the balanced diet - aim for enough calories until you are more comfortable eating - then work on a better nutritional balance.
Yes I have felt that even sometimes gagged and felt that my throat muscles wasn’t working right. I lost 20 pounds. It lasted a couple months. Now I can eat and have gained the weight back lol.