Hey guys... ok so I keep getting in my left foot a spasm thing where the big toe lifts up and the rest fan out... very very ouch... a good friend said checkout babinsk reflex.... so how many of us have a positive baninski and fnd?? I'm wondering if it's part of the package as Ct and MRI show no brain lesions or damage 🙀🙈
Babinski reflex : Hey guys... ok so I... - Functional Neurol...
Babinski reflex
Hi Englishmumof2..I have positive Babinski and other HARD neurological responses. My chiropractic neurologist is in a place of disbelief that the MD neurologists haven't made a firm diagnosis. He told me I have an Upper Motor Neuron Disorder with lesions. The MD neurologists, in their egotistic minds, do not accept the opinion of a Board Certified chiropractic neurologist. My frustration is over the top! My last MRI two years ago..can't get another one ordered by MD Neuro, stated possible MS. My neuro said radiologist was just being cautions in his reporting. HUH! A health care provider friend told me that drs after a long period of not being able to figure things out, then giving a diagnosis like FND, don't easily then give a neurological diagnosis...that would prove they were wrong. So, many patients continue to live in this horrible limbo, being dismissed with a" head case" diagnosis.
I'm lucky as this sign is new and I've had MRI's and CT's that are all clear this babinski movement is new in the last week! I have no lesions on my brain but not had spinal MRI... I'm under proff Edwards in London he gave me my disagnosis after loads of tests and all clear except the hoovers which apparently is difinitive of fnd... wasn't sure if babinski is par of the fnd. Yes to see gp yet... wondered if I should be asking for more test!! Had loads of blood tests all normal...
Thank you for your reply. What is Hoovers? That test diagnoses FND?
I have tests that have been abnormal. I have double vision since 2009....documented with testing by a neuro-opthalomogist, incontinence, documented by a neuro-urologist, and some other tests showing a neurological problem...and muscle atrophy in both hands. I am in the united states.
It's used to prove functional
Weakness.... it's not specifically for fnd but was used along with vision tests, brain MRI and CT the walk and turn sobriety test which I also can't pass!
I'm in U.K. But my first attack was in NY when I lived there for 7 years!!
My attack looked like and acted like a stroke but was diagnosed as a tia as they couldn't find brain damage. I saw neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist for months but no diagnosis! In U.K. My second attack they thought I was having a stroke but after no damage on MRI the stroke dr accused me of faking!! Then a neurologist said if MRI and scans are clear you have fnd here's a site good luck!! Then an appointment with a team of Drs at St. George's confirmed my diagnosis !
When I became ill it was also like a stroke. Eye dr told me what he saw in my eyes was what was present with a stroke. I was hospitalized about a month later with progressive neurological symptoms...one dr said stroke, another no..then I was treated like a head case. My almost 8 years of this has been awful. I have also been diagnosed with ME /CFID/FND. No specialists that I can get to.
Do the drs at St George's treat you well?
Yes I guess so!! There's not much they can do unless I get really bad and go in to
Hospital at St. George's!! I have his direct contact email for help and he's willing to write a letter so I can claim for assistance! Can't adapt house as we rent private so I'm hoping I'm not in a wheel chair soon.... where in USA are you??
FND/ME/CFID patients are not generally treated with respect here in the states. My neruo, who was good, is out on indefinite medial leave. He recommended Dr Edwards to me when I got the diagnosis. I cannot travel to the UK. His replacement is ok, not as good as he was.
I'd show them the website that shows the symptoms ! There's also been a few online symposiums! I've got a couple of fnd friends in the USA! One in Seattle and the other is on the east coast somewhere .... maybe if your near them we can ask which Drs they found good!! One lady has been in hospital for more tests this week....
do you just have FND or other illnesses??? I'm luck I just have FND!!