With on going eye and sensory changes...
(I've had long standing muscle and nerve problems also senses and touch sounds smells are gradually sensative .. 2years minimum... finally dx November 2016 FND)
Started getting strange eye symptoms last week like old 70s video clip.
Last night I got up to have my partner turn on the flurolight without my knowledge and the starter is slow and it scared me I almost went into shock and froze and then like had what was like a little convulsions and started crying badly. Was horrible, I couldn't control it. Like it scared the shit out of me or something.
I've also noticed the triple vision or hallucinogenic type vision when I wake or walk into a dark room like another dimension.
Another thing is a bit of alice in wonderland stuff and depth perception.
Also in traffic if I'm I'm not driving things like cars and poles seem closer luke they're going to hit us and I am often starting to react and annoy my partner because I'm overactive now which is not me.
My body is not sensative or reactive though in other ways like smiling or happy though I enjoy things but I'm blank.
What is going on?!!!
Please help this is really starting to change my life. I've not been able to to go work. Hardly driving. Affecting personal life and now affecting state of mind more than I thought rather than just my muscles and nerves... and the nureologist said last week he's decided he's not seeing me any more?? Would love to know what the heck is happening with the new symptoms if you get these please share how you cope...and treatment etc and what to do?
Haven't worked since December 2016 😣