Hi everyone!
I've no doubt a lot of you will be aware of my posts on trying to get my wife rehoused into a Bungalow from our 2nd floor flat due to her increased sensitivity to noise.
We have noise issues from underneath and either side and some of these neighbours are just unrespectable.
We've recently had an interview with our local housing association after my 4th appeal and despite all my efforts of medical letters and actual filmed footage of my wife's symptoms, they still cannot accommodate her into a Bungalow until I reach 50 years of age which is in 2 years.
I can't imagine putting up with this noise issue for another 3 months yet alone another 2 years.
This situation isn't helping my wife's health or mine and it's awful living like this when you want a bit of peace and quiet.
The housing has said I can report noise issues but I've told them straight that I don't have the energy or time to be reporting all this as I've enough thing's going on looking after Kim.
We recently had an assessment on Kim and even our assessor who's a lovely lady and assessed Kim three years ago, feels helpless in this because she knows how the housing works.
We are presently waiting to see if we are going to be put into a housing band 1 but even if we are, it will not change the age related restrictions on Bungalows.
I wrote an honest and straight forward letter to the housing manager but it's still a waste of time.
A Bungalow was offered to a couple under 50 but they was both in wheelchairs but I said it's a discrimination thing and it's unfair that my wife's quality of life is being made worse and they won't do anything.
I'm adamant I won't ever go into another flat again as it's pointless.
I feel I've lost the fight after all the effort and I can't go for legal advice as we can't afford it and it's Kim I feel sorry for because I want her out of this flat.
Do you think there's any other way through because everyone seems to think I've done everything I can possibly do.
Many thanks
Tony & Kim