This is all new to me. 6 weeks ago i was admitted to hospital with my left leg having weakness. Over night it stopped working, i could feel severe nerve pain in it and feel the bottom of my foot, couldnt move my left leg at all. I spent just over a week in hospital with every blood test and scan saying there was nothing wrong, it has been very frustrating and emotional. I was sent home with 2 crutches and told to learn to walk. It took 4 weeks to get off crutches and learn how to move my left leg. My foot still doesnt work but i am able to walk with ease somedays and others with struggle. I am finaling returning to work after 7 weeks off but there are many things i still cant do. Being awake for 8 hours is hard work and seeping at night can ve impossible even with an adjustable bed and heaps of meds. No one knows if my foot will ever move when i tell it too. The one thing my doc knew was that if i ddnt think about it my leg would move but if i thought about it wouldnt move. Walking and bending my knee are the only things i can get my leg to do when i tell it to.
Sorry for rambling but this has been my one and only thought. I am due to see a psychologist in a few weeks, cause apartently this is all stress related. I am far beyond breaking point. Any advice would be great.