I want to know if anyone has had a similar reaction to me when given a local anaesthetic mix steroid injection.
It was 2 years ago now and I am still completely incapacitated.
I had the injection at the back of my head on the left side, immediately afterwards, as I stood up to leave, I fell to the left and had to be helped out the consulting room by a nurse. I sat in the waiting room with the nurse for a while as she said I was having a reaction. Within 20 minutes, my whole left side had gone numb and I could not lift my arm move my left leg or keep my head up, it kept falling back. My speech also went completely incoherent, I could not form my words properly. I could not walk or talk.
After much deliberation I was rushed to another hospital querying a stroke. it was ruled out. I came out of hospital 5 weeks later with no answers.
I am still much the same I use a wheelchair and have speech difficulties.
Any knowledge of this would be gratefully appreciated.
Doctors refuse say it was due to having the injection, they say it is FND brought on by trauma, probably from my childhood - of which I had none.