So my GP has given me a referral to see a psychiatrist. I was wondering if anyone knew of
a GP anyone working in the medical field in the Melbourne area who I could contact
to help with my symptoms. Lately I did this amazing post about how I had to treat myself
and design my own treatment programs but I was wondering if anyone knew of
a person who has dealt with FND patients who I could be referred to. I am finding my symptoms
have flared up (I cannot do hydrotherapy because the pool closes until mid January)
I wanted to start the new year with at least one person in Melbourne or I am considering other states
who either has researched FND, is a specialist in this area or a Neurologist who can help. I thought I had the strength to do it on my own, but I think I need to help of a trained doctor. Any suggestions very welcome! It is not a Happy Christmas as I cannot participate in any festivities due to the pain.