Gleason 4+3, PSA 7.8, T2C M59 (my father).
Looking for different ways to treat his prostate cancer including non-orthodox like Fenbendazole and metformin.
What evidence we have as of 2021 to efficacy of these treatments?
Even if anecdotal?
Gleason 4+3, PSA 7.8, T2C M59 (my father).
Looking for different ways to treat his prostate cancer including non-orthodox like Fenbendazole and metformin.
What evidence we have as of 2021 to efficacy of these treatments?
Even if anecdotal?
Welcome to the forum,
There is a definitive study on metformin going on that is STAMPEDE- ArmK. This trial compares SOC + metformin vs SOC and concludes in 2024.
Care Oncology (COC) has chosen to use mebendazole and the information is listed below:
I think the liver function argument is a good point along with the safe for humans argument.
You may wish to look at IV Vitanmin C and sulfasalazine (generic rheumatoid arthritis drug) since you are looking for non SOC--see below:
Best of luck on your journey...
Don Pescado