Cant remember who posted this as worth a read. Money being tight cant afford the luxury of buying books, so I googled this and linked to Amazon where I got a free peek. Very interesting. Explained the difference between FM and Myofacial pain, different conditions & different causes although higher incidents of Myo in FM patients than in general population. FM is systemic. Neuro transmitters to the brain affecting biochemistry causing Sensitivity Amplification Syndrome/sensitized nerve endings (PAIN) Once I got around the long words and what they actually mean, the wide variety of symptoms experienced suddenly made sense. Hightened sensitivity to noise, light, sound, thermal fluctuations I have had since I cant remember when whilst at the same time low body temperature. Now I understand what my (unusually clued up) gp meant. Neurological, not rheumatoid, so does anyone know why FM sufferers are referred to Rheumatologist, not Neurologist? Also explained Fibro-fog.
I could only access some so may have missed crucial bits that would fill in the gaps.