A very dear friend of mine has many health issues including Diabetes,recent stroke,BP problems and is registered blind, he has just been sent a letter from dwp stating he is now in a work related group but has not had any medical assessment.I feel sure they should'nt be doing this,he has been on benefits for a couple of years now and they have just cut down his money by quite a large amount because of this decision.
Can a claimant be put into either wor... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Can a claimant be put into either work related group or support group without having had any medical assessment
i had the same happen to me. yet i am housebound and need help doing most things docs wrote a leter to appeal this as in her words no way i can look at work things presently sent this all in dec still no word. x jobcentres - call them for appeal form send of with proof as much as possible.
hope that helps. x
Yes they can, especially if you already on Incapacity Benefit. You have certain outcomes, you can be put in the support group, put in WRAG group, face an assessment or be put on JSA and not be entitled to ESA at all. They usually call you in for an assessment if they haven't got enough information to make a decision based on the ESA 50 form they send you out.
They will try and put as many people into the groups, without them needing an assessment as it helps them to keep the backlogs down. However they cannot stop your ESA benefit unless you have had a face to face assessment. That is the only time when you can have your claim dismissed and be put onto JSA.
If your friend wishes to appeal he needs to appeal as soon as possible but appeals can take up to a year to be heard in some areas as there is such a backlog.
Many thanks Silverstar, typical is'nt it....like he does'nt have enough problems!!!
Sorry to say I waited nearly a year for the appeal to be settled, I did win the appeal and the shortfall was reimbursed to me. Money Matters in Scotland did my appeal letter, I received a telephone call, they wanted some issues clarified, for my DLA application, then I received a letter saying, I had won the appeal for work related group/support group.