Stepping into a hospital world is lik... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Stepping into a hospital world is like stepping through the looking glass - I gamely dragged..

Ginsing profile image
14 Replies

myself to A&E on the 3rd to find myself encarserated in a wonderful moving bed to begin with at the beck and call of the Edinburgher Nurologists and after to help my disk protrusions retreat. What with canal narrowing and bone growth distortions a bit nasty. So a weekend pressing up and down buttons and then a charming man who said as it was down to pain management I could go home when I wanted so I said do you mean this afternoon ah yes unless you feel like more relaxing- how lovely to be allowed to make your own mind up when you can go home from hospital.

So here I am missed you all taking a different amount of pills hanks to a wonderful pain consultant who was marvelous she had refered me to the pain clinic at last help in controlling pain.

5stars to Dumfries Hospital they were all brilliant.

I was amazed at the sheer rudness of some patients one lady never but never said please or thank you not once in four days simplys monosalybic answers and never smiled. How rude?

Her poor husband by her side at all times she never spoke to him or thanked him - how appauling is that..

So I have woken this morning realising that the angles of the bed were very good for me and today OH will be on a mission for new pillows.

I bet I have missed loads hope everyone is ok and keeping a positive attitude through 2013


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14 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

Oh you cannot imagine what you have missed... Moffy and her hot dates, with 2 men , but not at the same time me her stunt double in gold plated big knickers in case she gets caught out... Loads of us have been dieting... LIbs and I I have been trawling the streets in my modified mobility scooter searching for you to no avail ,,, well we didn't think of Edinburgh hospital so we went to the pub and sunk G&Ts with moffy without her harem,

Of course we missed you .. You has us worried sick... Not a word not a phone call we were distraught. So you are back, well take it easy we don't want you laid you up again....we want you here cos we is selfish..... I had my trigger point injections last Thursday... Got there woman in opposite bed spent two hours moaning in my ear about the consultant who was injecting us... How rude she was a butcher etc etc, she never thanked anyone for anything... I have had her loads of times and she's lovely,,, anyway she complained so loudly the nurses heard her, and was it fate was it justice???? But she went for injections first and she fainted I am afraid me and the lady in the next bed wondered if the consultant had been told and jabbed her hard cos we had our injections no problem .... Grins evilly

So glad to see you


Ginsing profile image

VG how wonderful to have a catch up you do make me chuckle missed it in the mornings I have had to behave rather grim ideally I like to kick up a fuss but there was nothing to complain about my nurses and docs were just brilliant and they were aware of Fibro and chronic pain. The lass from the chronic paI think she will be able to assist this exhain section was attentive and made me feel like a normal parson with a horrid complaint not a complaining person with fictisous pain. Good eh I think it is thumbs up she will help with my pain levels :) What has Moffy been up to double dates hm chancing her arm again.

Did your injection help - so you had a rude person as well , it is one thing I cannot abide no need no time for it after four days I was seriously near to having a word then she went before I could :(

Need more pillows TODAY I am wearie now see ya later xgins

Extremelygrumpy profile image

See gins that is my problem I speak out too much ,, four days, I would have told her she was an ungrateful wretch after 4 hours..... As soon as the woman started on me about the lovely consultant ... She obviously thought I was new to this injection malarkey as I am so polite to the staff .... That's cos I know they are lovely ... I told her straight I had had injections with this consultant for over a year and she was lovely..... It shut her up for 5 mins .. Then she was off again.... As its only an in and out clinic I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she may have been in pain... Only for her OH to turn up and start moaning about the same consultant.... I decided they were a just a miserable couple and were well suited and I am afraid I smirked when she was wheeled back to her bed, then she went on to moan about the tea and pleasing some people..... NOW GO REST and as you OH likes his daily stroll send him out for pillows

VG x

fairycazzie profile image

Lovely to see you back on board and in one piece.

That is brilliant service. You always do get sower faces here and there.

Eaten a lemon.

Should of asked just to wheel you home on the bed taking the charming man with you!

And we others also missed you gins was only going to ask where you vanished to this morning! As i been too stuck elsewhere. But being a sparodic regular of This ship i keep having to dock off and then re board.

We are all a lovely little set of either staff on this ship or regulars that come and go boarding on and off.

I say this because its very welcoming and can be a little shaky with rough seas now and again not all runs smoothly and you had to dock off for a little bit because you got side tracked by Another kind of uniform lol xxxxxxx

Very big hugs gins and hopefully this be a longer cruise so where to ..


ladymoth profile image

Thank goodness you're back, Gins - we were all quite distraught wondering where you were!

We thought you might have won the lottery or something, and run off to spend your ill-gotten gains!

Sorry you've been poorly, but it's good that they were so nice to you at the hospital. I didn't know you lived in Scotland - i was there until 2010 working in Perth, but I love Edinburgh.

It's good you're back, 'cos VG and me were getting out of control. We were enjoying it so much tho', that maybe we're beyond redemption!

Welcome back (((hugs)))) ...Moffy x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Points to moffy and whispers behind her back ,,, it's Moffys fault I WAS an angel till moffy corrupted me with gin and tonics and big knickers

Whistles innocently and exits sneakily

VG x

ladymoth profile image

Thanks, VG - mines a large one with plenty of ice and lemon. Oh, when you have time, you can iron that big pile of gold-plated knickers! Hehehe! :)

Hello and welcome back Gins, we missed you! So sorry to hear about your incarceration, hope you are feeling a bit better now. Take it easy and rest!

VG will be so relieved you are back and so will I! She has been up to no good, more so than usual! Waltzing around in gold-plated drawers stuffing me in a shopping trolley and spying on Moffy's dating rendezvous! Have you heard about the dates, there are blogs about two men, you really need to catch up! There is no stopping our Moffy at the moment! VG is in hot pursuit waiting for any juicy gossip, mobility scooter wheels clattering!

So good to see you back with us Gins! :)

(((hug)) xxx


Extremelygrumpy profile image

Do you know I have taken up a new sport ... Extreme ironing..... I am ironing whist I drive my mobility scooter drinking G&Ts and trying to avoid Libby's spear as she points the way to Moffys pick up joints.....

VG x

in reply to Extremelygrumpy

I suppose it beats Extreme Abseiling VG! Keep out of the way of the Police, you could be booked for driving whilst under the influence and it would be so embarrassing being strip searched wearing those undies, gold-plated is so not on trend right now lol! :P

Not sure our dear Moffy would appreciate her date venues being seen as pick up joints lol! The mind boggles lol! :O ;) xxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

LIbs believe me there is no hope for moffy ... When I asked her not to make my stunts to physical she said ... I quote... They will probably be done lying down...... And your mind is boggling... :o

VG xx

in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Good grief, you're not leading our Moffy astray are you VG?! My mind is more than boggling . . . :O xxx

Ginsing profile image

Well guys how wonderful chariots racing around with gold nickers being worn by occupants very Bodeccia.

Moffy why are you dating guys are they good looking ? You dont need Bridget Jones size knickers just G strings ......

VG you are just plain curios like the cat hope you are keeping your chariot in good conditin for all this whizzing after Moffy


ladymoth profile image

Yes, gins - they are both rather good-looking, and both share the same christian name, which can get a little confusing!

My 'pick-up joints' are the local university library (HOT STUFF!) and Costa Coffee. I think I'm having a last bright flare of the expiring candle!

Oh, and G strings don't keep my bum warm, so I'm sticking with the Big Knickers!

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