Just a little rant about MEN why oh w... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Just a little rant about MEN why oh why do they........

Ginsing profile image
3 Replies

find it so hard to put their hands up and say "I have pain" it doesnt matter where in their bodies but say it is knees. So make a appointment go speak to a doc get help take medicine feel better! Is that so difficult or it just they like to twine on about it and wind us up because they wont go and talk to someone. It is not macho it is just whacko I feel that our abilitiy to sooth and look after them is just thrown out the window. So for a couple of minutes followed by less pain they would rather stay at home an grumble yes mine grumbles incessantly "No it is alright I will be fine in the morning" so he doent go and it gets worse ..Sorry guys OH is seventy and bordering on being very agrevating ...........sighs xgins

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Ginsing profile image
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3 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

Are you sure we aren't sharing the same husband..... Mine eventually gave in and went to the drs ... Only cos I made the apptment and escorted him there.... I always wanted to be a prison officer...... Upshot ... He in hospital tomorrow having his gallbladder out..... He also has bronciectasis how did he get that .. Never smoked etc.... Gp reckons it was the chest infection he refused to get treatment for about 6 years ago as its happened in both lungs.... Left it sooo long he went on to develop pneumonia ... Nearly died..... Was in resuscitation room for hours while they worked on getting him stable enough to treat... And in the hours before that was protesting he didn't need the gp so I rang for an ambulance........men they are so stubborn it's scary... Trouble was my oh was only 40 so thought ha I can't be That ill at this age.....

irisjoy profile image

how very true , i agree with you . Mind you i can be as bad lol. my consultant would ask me how i was with my hips, i would say i am fine.Xray would be done and i would get told off ha ha , apparently i am a " stoic" i had to look it up. ah well its all part of the condition eh ha ha, warming hugs very cold here today x

yanto71 profile image

I'm a man, thank you for your kind comments lol, and up to six years ago I wouldn't go to the docs or take tablets and cold remedies, I just didn't think they worked, just a way for big companies to make more money. As for going to the docs, what a waste of time. Most of it comes from bad experiences as a child, in my case anyway. I broke my wrist playing football, I even heard it snap, and it took six week of constant visits to the docs just get an x-ray then eventually a cast. I'm definitely not stoic, I'm more philosopher and believe docs are a waste of space.

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