I stumbled across this whilst surfing... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I stumbled across this whilst surfing the net,

julieevh profile image
10 Replies

I googled "Soft Tissue Arthritis" and came across this really informative document, There is a fair bit of medical babble in there BUT overall it is really informative


Julie xx

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julieevh profile image
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10 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Morning Thanks for this a bit heavy going but very interesting - I find my condition described thoroughly - wish it was otherwise. x gins

hi that is really good it is a bit heavy for 4 am but will look at it again later in the day i am sure alot of people will get alot from it love to you diddle xx

Kerry29 profile image


This is just amazing this little document! I have found out so much about my condition. The tender points are little tears in the muscles.

love kerry

gloglo profile image

Thanks for leaving this link it makes very interesting reading and seems to be the most informed info i have read so far and i can actually identify with nearly all the symptoms its quite heavy going reading but i am going to print it off. i need to know more about fibro because it has so many facets to it and i want to make doctors more aware of the symptoms because in the long run if it can be diagnosed more quickly those suffering with it will not have to endure the going through life without medication for 10 year and more before being diagnosed and treated. If diagnosis is made earlier it saves the NHS a lot of money in the long run. I underwent many years of going to hospitals and undergoing xrays, numerous scans of all types, blood tests, physio, many days off work and even when i had mentioned it to several doctors i was ignored it was only by chanced that i mentioned a certain symptom ( tenderness in legs) that i was actually taken seriously. If doctors were more familiar with the condition, if a patient was continually complaining of pains in various area he/she could do a a simple pressure point test to see if this may be the case and arrange for the patient to see a specialist.

Truthseeker profile image

Very interesting document. Already tried and tested. It's what we were taught at Homeopathic College by Robert Davidson, a Scottish pioneer in homeopathy. Its great that these specialists are looking at the illness holistically. Robert Davidson would advocate blue green algae. He always taught us that there is very little nutriment in the food. Also Fatty Acids were important but you need all of them. Also candida is a problem with high sugar intake. Being addicted to what you are allergic to. It always cries out give me MORE SUGAR. One of our lecturers spoke of the pesticides in Wheat that aggravates us so it was not always a wheat allergy, could be wheat intolerance plus pesticide. I feel a lot better switching to Warburtons, wheatfree bread. I usually collapse after normal bread. If you can get or afford organic due to the absence of pesticide and antibiotics that lowers the immune system. When he talks of bone spurs that can also be treated with homeopathy using a low dose of calc fluor plus kidney remedy usually berberis vulgaris. I cured my own knee arthritis using calc cluor and berberis vulgaris. Allergies go on to cause inflammation if not checked. Plus of course B vitamins etc. With Fibromites they don't detox properly so you need to cleanse the organs, that's the liver and kidneys. Also EBV intrusion causes fatigue. This is where complex homeopathy comes in. It's wrong that the government are pushing Homeopathy out and trying to make it illegal. I feel its the drug Cartels who are so greedy and selfish and are the mafia of the drug industry. They are super bad. Homeopathy plus good nutrition and supplements plus what your doctor's describes is worth combining. So we can pick ourselves up. I just had a glance at this report. All GPs need to read it and understand it. Its the way forward. Great research. Thanks for posting. It made my day. I am not advocating that I know all the answers please seek out the guidance of a qualified homeopath if you so desire. These guys are on the right page.

Midori profile image

I have ploughed through the first 2 pages, but forgetting what I've read already!

Thanks for posting it though- will try to read it in sections later.

Cheers, midori

Devonlady profile image

Thanks this is great info will read throughly later when less brain fog xx

deelightful profile image

Thanks for this, I too shall read it when I have a clear head. It sounds very interesting.

Sassi profile image

Hi Julieevh,

Thank you so much for this link :) I have not read it all, but the information that lesions could be the cause of the tender points is interesting. Also the blood vessel constriction explanation explains why the extra oxygen I tried didn't get through!

Some other points, last night I decided to try Qi Gong, and sent off for a DVD, so all the extra information in the article is gr8, even if I have to save some for later - brain fog :(

And a theory that I have formulated myself is strengthened here. From about 2 years of age I have had allergic rhinitis. Considering that this has obviously compromised my immune system, I feel

that it also has left me open to all sorts of stuff. So giving me a predisposition to fibro.

Also I am coming to the conclusion that Fibromyalgia could come about as a result of 'burn out' due to an overwhelming amount of stress. Last night there was a programme on BBC1 examining why Scotland has become so violent. There was a discussion about depression and there was evidence that stress, even before birth, can cause alterations in the brain circuitry.

From what I read on this forum, four things jump out at me,

- mostly people were pretty active before being struck down,

- there was massive and prolonged stress before the onset of fibro,

- the stress is still there,

- the stress is, of course, increased by the fibro

Anyway thanks again julieevh for a fascinating article

love light and serenity Sassi

fibrodave profile image
fibrodave in reply to Sassi

Hi Sassi

I agree with the stress bit and yes I still have stress I also had allergic rhinitis from an early age, I failed my 11th plus exam because it was taken at the height of summer and ended up at secondry school I then failed all my exams at this school and left at fifteen with no qualifications, I have had to work for 12 to 16hrs a day and night in low paid jobs just to earn a decent crust, I have been strangled 3 times in the working enviroment for no reason and sexualy assaulted. Dave

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