just when you think someone gets it..... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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just when you think someone gets it......

10 Replies

I am afraid of leaving my home and people yesterday went with friend in rush hour traffic terrifying had forgotton to take meds so was in hell pain wise and exhausted on my return..she then got into a row in my home with another of my friends.this caused me to burst into tears.and she turned on me and said she was sick and tired of me playing the victim i threw my only two friends out of my house. they said taht they understood my illness huh some hope. anyway today am sore tired sad and not necc in that order.

cant eve ngive out butterfly hugs petal

10 Replies
coconut profile image

bless you,i havent been on here long but i have found it helps to have a rant,my mate walked away from me saying she couldnt cope how i am.i was gutted ,my son wasnt happy about it as she is his best mates mum ,i have become very ill with in a year and i was always the strong one !now i cant get out of bed most days and even find it hard to make a cuppa!so when people let you down you feel like the walls are falling in on you !..am sending you a hug xx

rosehip profile image

Sending you hugs , she wasnt a mate or she would stick by you in everything xx

julieru profile image

True friends will stick with you. Give them a few days and they will come back. If not, then they werent true friends and you can let them go. I found people seem to have a time limit. Some were supportive for a few weeks, others a few months. Very few made it past 6 months and only a few stuck with me for 5 years. However, those people I would give my last penny, my last crumb of bread if they needed it and they would do that for me. Let them go, they will decide if they are true friends or not

scrumie profile image

Hi my view is people take me as they find me. This was before fibro and is the same now with fibro if they dont like it they know where the door is. If they cant help and try to understand they are'nt worth knowing. Thank goodness we have this site to go to at least we can understand each other even though some are worse than others. soft hugs xx

poppy-03 profile image

hi it sounds as if it all got too much for every one fadedblossom,

i would give them a call and just explain it was never your intention to upset each other and you appreciate all they do for you and pease can you all put it behind you and start a fresh, if they are good friends they will be as upset as you are over the fall out and it is worth knowing if you can all be friends again better to know than ponder what might be and besides some friends are more like family and what family doesnt fall out now and again?!

hugs and good luck poppy xx

jazher profile image

If they are true friends then they should be feeling pretty guilty of shouting at you like that. But i know exactly what you mean as if i forget my tablets i cant do nothing and i tell everyone thats how it is now and they have to like it or lump it.

Things get said in the heat of the moment which are not true, its just an outburst hopefully and she wont of meant it come out like that.

I hope you all can put it behind you and move on as friends.

hugs, kel xxxx

roxyroo profile image

Hi Fadedblossom, i agree with Jazher. Before i had fibro, i was always running around for friends and some family. Plus i would say yes to things i didnt feel like doing, worried i upset people.

Now i sit and think do i really want to go there, or do that. And if i dont i say NO. a word i never used to say.

I just carnt do things like i used to. Most are understanding. Because they no that if there not then they are not people i want in my life. So it is a case of like it or lump it.

If i was you id give it a couple of days to see if they ring you. If they dont then if you want to ring them. And tell them that they upset you a lot. And if they want to be in your life. They have got to take into account your illness.

I hope they see how much they hurt you. And put things right.

I have family that dont care about fibro and none of them ask me how i am. That inc my Mum.

Remember we are all your friends hunni, so plz dont think your alone.

Big hug & love Helen xxx

thnaks for all your support and advice I should not have postd such anegative blog in the first place . but thank you all for the love.

butterfly hugz petal

Hi Fadedblossom,

Sorry to hear of your ordeal, I would have given out to your friends and told them to keep their rows for their own houses, they would soon be 'ex friends' not judging them or anything not my business, but do you want a friend who does something like that to you? apart from the fact they know you are sick, but not my business hope you're ok xx

yes i am fine like i said should not have put negative comment on here i called and apologized for being a problem to them butterfly hugz,

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