I have been haing the problems associated with Fibromyalgia since I was about 7 or 8 years old gradually worsening every year I am now 41.
They were so bad the Drs thought I had AS (ankylosing Spondylosis) - I had an MRI on my neck and loads of X-Rays and lots of orthopaedics appointments and when they came to a dead end they sent me to see a neurologist thinking as it was so bad by now; that I had MS (multiple sclerosis).
I had 2 more spinal MRI scans but no brain scans etc.
In amongst these I was in 2 serious car accidents inc one with a suspected frontal skull fracture and broke my nose in 2 places and my right cheekbone etc (for other reasons these were not treated at the time).
I was diagnosed with Fibrositis a good many years ago, as well as depression, asthma and osteoarthritis. I have discovered that Fibrositis is supposed to be the same as Fibromyalgia but a pain specialist I saw said this is wrong ?!?!? My GP has refused to send me to see a Rheumatologist & to see a Neurologist again as its 5 years since I last did so - even though Ive been told by PALS that he cannot refuse to refer me.
Does anyone know what else I can do?