Today, my Fibro has taken a back seat to dealing with my nephew, Flyn. I'm having great difficulty dealing with some of his behaviours and really need some advice, please. If anyone can offer any help, I would be so grateful.
He showed some aggressive/threatening behaviour today while loosing patience with a simple task I asked him to perform, and my response was probably not appropriate or productive.
As a child, I had a really difficult and unpleasant relationship with my Mum, and I always dreaded 'becoming' her if I ever had children of my own. Sadly, Burnie and I couldn't have children, so my concerns became obsolete. Now that I'm facing such difficulties with Flyn, my concerns are raised again.
I'm feeling emotionally and physically drained more so than normal today, and I just don't know how to cope with my Fibro and Flyn at the same time. I'm usually an affectionate and patient person, but just lately, I don't want cuddles or kisses from Flyn and my patience is running at an all time low. Burnie seems to be coping much better than me, but i'm the one who spends the most time with Flyn.
His behaviour at school has been worrying too. We discuss with him each argument or 'incident' he gets himself into with other children and explain how his actions have impacted on the other child, and what actions he should have taken, but the behaviour still continues on a regular basis. He never admits that he may be in the wrong or to blame, and his story always differs from that of the teachers who inform us of what's happened.
Flyn has poor social skills, no patience, no listening skills, has anger/temper issues, frequently argues, doesn't know how to take responsibility for his actions or understand the consequences of them, and frequently talks about violence with great delight. His sense of humour is understood only by himself, and is often inappropriate or unpleasant. He always wants to control the content of a conversation and always interrupts others, and hardly ever stops talking even when he doesn't really have anything to say.
I'm sure those of you who have autistic children can relate to what you've read here. As I said at the beginning, any help or advice that you can offer would be greatly received.
Thanks to you all for taking the time to read this. I hope you're all having a good Fibro day (if there is such a thing!).
Carolanne. xx