Good Morning you Lovely lot,xxxxxxxx
I have had to change all my stuff because I'm crud at computer stuff, Found it easier to just start again,
I WAS Debsdelight72,๐
I type long stuff, Sorry cant help it, Try not to It's just me๐
I love cats and dogs,A favoured friend /Sister on here also, Morning Sis xxxxx (I bet she wont comment)๐คซ And of course my Husband (John) 20 yrs married so far ๐๐๐
(I'll PM later Sis )
I have two Yorkies,both female 13 yrs old and one 4 yr old and until late last year I had a 20 yr old cat๐ญ๐ญ I am researching and saving up for two kittens ๐ฑ๐ฑ, It's not as easy as it sounds, I keep changing my mind on which breed ๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค,Or just a good moggy,
I don't like people who take the ๐คฌ๐คฌ and take advantadge out of kind and vunerable folk, I now have hardly any friends because they were not true friends once they learnt I would never drink far too much alcohol and act a prat, Apart from my 2 step children (Not children anymore) and I am Granny since 2weeks ago!๐๐๐๐๐๐ My own 4 brats decided I was not wanted in their lives anymore, since 2011,and are in touch with "the thing that gave birth to me" So all the abuse from childhood is not true?????????? disbelived again *soz*and joined the cult that is to rid me of this world (hasn't worked so ๐ค๐ค๐ค far) can do one, bunch of ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐ฉ๐ฉ
I cant spell for toffee a lot since Fibromyalgia gave me a gift or two, (Brainfog and the ability to fall over freshair and a lot more besides)
My mental health is a huge burden I have since teenager,๐ฉ๐ฉI've tried to get out of it ( life) many times but promised Hubby I'll try harder and let him know when the urge is too great to handle on my own๐ฅน๐ฅน
I have tried pretty much all of prescribed (and a few not) pain meds If it works to start with you can bet it wont be for long ๐ตโ๐ซ๐ตโ๐ซ๐ตโ๐ซ๐ตโ๐ซ
I'm ๐ฉ with a computer (as you can see)
I was a bus driver for many years until Fibro and symptoms took that away too,
I have many many Hobbies too many ๐๐ to write, so I wont! But the latest is 5d diamond painting and am in a on-line art tutorial, Not the best ,so it's a good job I have it for life to pop in and out when I wish, My (so called) art is mainly drawing people and animals as cartoon types,
I self-doubt (A LOT)
Still waiting for my bathroom grant to get started! I hate WAITING!
Still waiting for my dentures, (19/3) to have a fitting and colour chosen cant WAIT!
I am the only cause for not having any teeth at the ripe old age of nearly 53, One of my ๐ฉ๐ฉ things when I was having a crises of mental health was not to give an absolute๐ฉ about looking after myself,Not even brushing my teeth for over a year, ( disgusting! I wouldn't recommend)Or going to dentist (wouldn't recommend that either)
Ended up having to be under general anastetic *soz* to have the remaining teeth out(I Wouldn't recommend that either) Had the gastric band done over 10 years a go (Imust be the only one out there to put on more weight instead of lose it)
I would definetly *soz*not recommend going down that route either!!!! So all I could eat was soft and mushy foods that quickly turned into an ice cream addict!!!!!! mashed potato and anything that would go down, A waste of ยฃ5,000 and health problems galore,( went private and fibbed ) So now I am trying a jab (not Juniper) My guy in Liverpool suggested (I have some comestic *soz* work on my lips and under my nose because 30 odd years of smoking ( absolutely NOT recommend) I gave up for good Oct 2015!yeahhhh go me! ๐,
I am house bound and pretty much bed ridden as my old back issue and Fibro are not my friend (as well as everything on top, So the only time I go out is to go to appointments (hosp,dent and doc) So much anxiety that I have to take many many Diazepam''s to get out!!
I also have a touch of OCD, counting mainly but not this post hopefully๐ค๐ค Oh ๐ฉ
I now rely *soz* totally on the power chair, Inside and out ๐ข๐ข If I stand up I have minimal time before my back feels like it's disintegrating pain like you wouldn't believe and my feet feel like I'm stepping on lego or an upturned plug( yes I have done that too) Not recommended!
When I look at what and who I used to be it saddens me greatly and I grieve often, But here I am larger than I have ever been and sooooooo very sad at times "whoa is me"
So I intend to stop paying ยฃ250 a month on jabs for weight lose and concentrating on making the best of what I have and use the money on going places looking good ( Hubby thinks I'm beautiful he's bias)and having more clothes then pjamas would be a start,
Now I am exhausted but in a surprising way,
It's Lamb shank (sorry baby sheepy, Lamb and chicken are the only meat I can eat with out seeing it again)today and pavolova *soz*for afters Hubby shopping and brings me a costa frappe every time he goes out, (I wish he wouldn't go out so often, I'm too weak to say NO,)
I suffer from (amongst other stuff) insomnia big style, (Until last night????????) Only sleeping about 2-4 hours at night and 10min what I call, power naps throughout the day This last week was reduced to 1-2 hrs, Not asking for advice, Been there done it all, Next stop sleep clinic,
* Warning* Warning* Warning*
I SLEPT FROM 9pm until 7am this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pity I am not refreshed but I'll take it๐ฅน๐ฅน
So there you go folks, A renewed not Debsdelight72 anymore, Just a change
Everyone have a good as can be Sunday and be kind to yourselves and others
If I've made 1 person smile today then I'll be happy
Take care Debs xx