does anyone else.....: Hi..... can I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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does anyone else.....

damag profile image
15 Replies

Hi..... can I ask.. Does anyone else take or have taken Glucosomine and GBD Gummie Bears?

I interested in any opinions and any effects at all.... Thank you. Also... has anyone been prescribed

'Pain Patches' for nightime to help sleep? I have asked Drs at different times.. and then it reminds me why I do not like going to Drs . They just dont get it. Any way I was told for the last time very aggressively, Pain Patches are only prescribed for end of life care and I cannot have them. Well I know I have nursed patients who use to have pain patches at night because of being pill intolerant and they were not necessarily end of life care..... unless my memory has worsened sigh Am I wrong ? I just need to sleep.... I work through the pain every day in my own way and try to get on with the day... but as you all know.. some days are worse than others..and no one can 'see' anything wrong when they ask you "whats the matter" and just end up replying "nothing..just the usual" etc etc Sorry to go on. but I am very interested in your thoughts and experiences and these GBD Gummie Bears ... Thank you for reading my rant...🙂

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damag profile image
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15 Replies
Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Hello good too have a rant and having nursed patients yourself the advice you got you knew better, i ve never tried Glucosamine but hopefully there maybe some members come along with good advice, im taking a multi vitamin each day and they are like little flavoured jelly sweets so no nasty taste.

CM1EDSUK profile image

If you mean CBD Gummy bears, from all I've read they are an expensive way to try CBD, & CBD oil is thought to be more effective (it's absorbed better). There again, we're all different, & tho I've been taking CBD oil for nearly 4 years, as I find it helpful, I couldn't tolerate Glucosamine.

Emacosta profile image

I take gabapentin and sertraline seems to ease my pain and I sleep a lot better since yesterday gabapentin is 100mg 3 times a day and sertraline at the night I take around 9pm then by 10 I’m gone feeling a bit better today not perfect but a bit better. I have seen them gummies but I haven’t tried it.

Hi, after being prescribed oxycodone for over a year the pain clinic decided that as it just wasn't covering the pain, that they would change me onto Buprenorphine patches. These stay on for 7 days.They were tilterated up to the 20micrograms. I still have aching constantly in my hands and legs but it's more bearable.

It's scary to think that above this for pain relief is only Fentynal, what happens for instance if I need end of life care or I'm in an emergency and need a life saving operation ? No pain relief will touch me x

catherine19611 profile image

sweetheart you rant all you like we understand what you are going through.

i am the same, i have had reactions to so many medications, unless you have had what we have, there is no way that they can begin to understand what it is like. somebody said to me once, that it was a pity that the 'professionals' could not have what we have for just one week, then their attitude would be so different and far more helpful.

i tried so many including glucosamine and i think it was called duloxatine, i had reactions to both and one of them caused a hard red rash which looked like psoriasis all the way up the front of my left are, stopped taking it and within 3 weeks the rash had gone, although when i had a shower where the rash had been there was a red mark which faded during the day, this went on for about a year then stopped.

M0wnt profile image

Hi, I know this is a hard thing to hear but maybe you should look at your work you’re doing and to see if you can adapt your work environment, take regular breaks and do whatever it is that reduces your pain rather than blocking it out with higher meds. I say that as I have had to give my job up and go up and on medication. I am now on 300mg of gabapentin x3 per day, 150mg of Venlafaxine x2 a day, I take regular co-codamol, and I smoke medicinally. Smoking helps me to take my mind away and allows me to rest. I don’t get anything from just CBD but then I know people that it helps. The oils would be a stronger way of taking CBD, but I need the THC to take me away or I just get cranking with pain. It saves my family from my ranting 🤣.

I have always been on the high end level of exercise running mountains etc so to give everything up over the last two years has taken its toll.

It has taken a lot to accept my condition as I went to uni as a mature student to work in the NHS so giving my job up has been a very hard decision. I have had counselling over the last five years so I have a good relationship with my councillor and she has been a great support in me accepting that I just can’t keep working (even though I am walking on crutches now I would still drop them to help another person so I know I had to stop).

When it comes to being on lots of pain meds it does raise your tolerance and when I had my hysterectomy they brought me around from the operation and body went into shock and I woke screaming feeling every single cut they did in the operation so I was quickly slapped back on the bed and given more drugs to knock me out! However I soon recovered and managed to past the test to get me home 🤣. There is a real risk of masking pain and building a tolerance to medication.

It’s so hard to know what to do isn’t it. What meds are you currently on?


damag profile image

I have read all your interesting responses about my questions regarding Glucosamine and Gummie Bears. My daughter bought these from health shop after she in trying to find me a solution to help me achieve a decent night sleep. so just a trial for me taking these at moment. Anyway. I hear you say.. I have taken medication in the past from Drs and had nasty reactions so I have been off medication for a number of years. I am now coping without and just getting on with it. Its the sleep deprevation I am struggling with because pain killers just dont work. Drs will not prescribe me any kind of pain patches. .... they are addiment about that so I am interested why some of you have been . Sleeping yes... but they only give you so many dont they. and I still find myself waking up every 2hrs.. Well thanks again for your replies. I find them very interesting and useful. .. I have a dog who gets me about and about everyday... I have always been active until arthritis kicked in years ago .. you just teach yourself to live with such things the best you can don't you. I wrote my post that day because I was having a miserable moment and felt very isolated about everything. Iam sure you all relate to that.. but it does pass... until next time take care. and thank you again.

damag profile image

Pills( sleeping pills) i meant to say

1whitestar profile image

Just wondering if anyone

1whitestar profile image

Hi, does any body know how successful people are at getting pip for fibro and arthritis. I'm still on esa and my pip has now gone to a tribunal.

CM1EDSUK profile image
CM1EDSUK in reply to 1whitestar

PIP isn't about any diagnoses, as we're all affected differently, it's about how it affects those activities of daily living that are looked at, &/your mobility.

The best outcomes with Tribunals are when you have a video/phone call rather than solely relying on any evidence sent (i.e. a paper-based Tribunal); the success rate is 70+% as against just 5-8%.

A Tribunal is like a fresh start, where you start with nothing, but you will have 3 people (a judge, a Dr, & someone with an understanding of disability) just wanting to find out exactly how your disability affects your ability to 'reliably' do the 12 activities looked at on the balance of probability. The following is worth a read to understand exactly what they're looking at:

1whitestar profile image
1whitestar in reply to CM1EDSUK

Thank you , yes I have help at home for cooking, getting dressed, my son also has to help me .

Sarahvit profile image

Hello damag,

I’m sorry you are having a hard time with doctors not understanding and having empathy. Yes I have taken glucosamine but only take it when ever I have a knee or another joint act up in pain. It calms it down but I haven’t taken it on a daily basis. Just never thought to take it everyday. Yes I have tried the CBD gummies. They weren’t the gummy bears so maybe different. Without going into a long involved story but when my doctor said that I couldn’t take the hydrocodone for high pain days I tried the CBD gummies. The first time I took 2 10mg gummies and later a 3rd which knocked the pain from a 10 to an 8. I had gotten a 50mg sample so took it a few days later which didn’t affect me one way or another. I work 4 mornings a week. Two days involves a lot of standing which leads to high pain days. So last Friday I took 2 10mg gummies which didn’t do anything so later took another 50mg gummy when my back was screaming in pain. I was fine until I got home was walking up to my front door and everything started going black. I just thought it was the orthostatic hypotension acting up. I got inside and my son asked me if I was okay? I said I just need to eat some lunch and should be fine. I was thinking my blood sugar was low. Well I ate and was feeling worse. Major fibro fog, dizzy, felt like I was falling asleep every 30 seconds then come back only to fall asleep again in 30 seconds. I felt like I was dreaming. I needed to urinate but going to the bathroom nothing happened. I remember I needed to lay down on my bed. I only remember bits and pieces of that afternoon. I remember asking my son to call my sister, who is a nurse thinking she could check my vital signs to see if I needed to go to the hospital. Well she was at Sam’s club shopping but later did come by. I asked my son to call EMS to come out. I don’t remember anyone checking my vitals but remember my sister came in my bedroom twice briefly to ask me to get into my phone. I remember people in the living room talking saying I was high and just needed to sleep it off. I remember the black 25-35yr old 5’3” 150-175lbs female EMT but don’t remember her face. I only remember signing the EMT ‘s tablet that they weren’t going to take me to the hospital. I have never done drugs nor been drunk with alcohol. So this was a scary thing to go through. My sister disposed of the CBD gummies. I’m not taking anymore of the CBD gummies. The lady at the CBD store said that the only thing would happen if I took too much I would just get sleepy. Sorry this is long. Just be careful in taking the CBD gummy bears. I don’t want anyone to experience what I did. I usually have a high tolerance for most medications. So didn’t expect that to happen.

CM1EDSUK profile image
CM1EDSUK in reply to Sarahvit

I'm not entirely surprised that you were ill after the CBD gummies. With CBD you need to 'wake up' your bodies endocannabinoid system very slowly, so for this reason you should start 'low & increase slowly.' That was unfortunately way to high a starting dosage; I started on 2.5mg of CBD oil 3 times a day, then increased weekly!

If you are also taking any medication, for anyone else reading this, please do be aware that CBD is broken down in the liver by enzymes that also break down over 90% of prescribed meds (+some over the counter ones too). If you don't leave a time gap between taking the 2 then you can potentially get an accidental overdose of your meds (or the CBD may block your meds from working).

Do always talk to your pharmacist/GP before taking CBD (in any oral form) if taking such other meds. If you do buy, ensure you buy from a reputable dealer who has lab certified reports as to their content. CBD only lasts in our bodies for 4-6 hours, so ideally should be taken 2-3 times a day, but should always be started 'low & slow' & only if considered appropriate.

Albionrfx profile image

hi Damag and everyone here, this is my personal experience with both glucosamine and CBD gummies and the oil!

I have a lot of intolerance with meds. So I always try to get natural type as much as possible. Glucosamine and Chrondoitin can be very effective for joints but I couldn’t stay on them because I’m allergic to fish, crustaceans and I ended up with itching and blotches so I had to stop taking it. I’m just using some aromatherapy oils to just give me a little bit of relief for my arthritis. I’m on Pregabalin for the Fibromyalgia but in liquid form as there is lactose in the tablets and I’m lactose intolerant ! As for the CBD gummies, I loved them but not the oil because of the smell. However I had to stop both the gummies and the oil as It was elevating my liver enzymes. To really ease the pain I was taking 40mg of it... and it worked. But My Gp suggested that I cut down to 20mg because of the risk of damage to my liver but frankly at that low dose, it was not targeting my pain at all. It was very expensive to buy, working at £60 a month. For me it wasn’t worth staying on an expensive low dose if it was not working. To sleep I was prescribed Amitriptyline then later nortriptyline. But again the tablets have lactose in them. My Gp wasn’t keen to give me the oral solution as they will cost the NHS too much (as in £85-£125 a bottle)!!! Anyway I decided to put myself on Melatonin, not on just any tablets form as they contain lactose 😭. Melatonin gummies are great but my daughter has to get them from America. The natrol brand is great as it doesn’t contain gluten, lactose, crustaceans, yeast so they are perfect for me. I take them for a month then stop and let my pineal gland reset my body clock etc… it seems to stop my sleep deprivation. For some variation I take 5-HTP. Again it helps with sleep and pain. For me It has been a lot of trials and error.

I hope my story can help someone. Stay safe, love yourself and remain positive and joyful no matter what this life throws at us,

Warm regards,


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