Hi, does anyone suffer from really sore pain in the inside part of arms at the elbow? I have had this a while now but pain getting worse, even sore to touch.
thank you
Hi, does anyone suffer from really sore pain in the inside part of arms at the elbow? I have had this a while now but pain getting worse, even sore to touch.
thank you
Perhaps worth a mention to either your doctor or nurse practioner on your next visit to surgery or in general phone and ask for some advice, we do certaintly have some very tender areas with our fibro bodies . xx
Thank you, I did mention it to the Dr before and she never said much, hust that it was strange as it not a joint, but it's getting so painful now sometimes even feels hot to touch xx
I have a very sore elbow and the pain radiates to all of the lower arm. BUT mine is caused by seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. So not fibro-related.
I would push your GP a bit harder to look into it. The fact that you say yours is hot could potentially (not necessarily) indicate inflammation. I’d ask for a face to face examination of the elbow as a starting point - not a phone evaluation.
Good luck x
Yes, it was my first symptom of fibro. When my skin gets hot I use aloe vera gel which seems to take the heat out (it's a natural product used for sunburn as well as many other uses).
I do. It’s a recent thing. I have been in touch with a doctor about it as I’m unsure what to do. My hands tingle, too.
Yes, both my elbows hurt quite a lot. It is a trigger, tender point area, one of the 18 spots that they used to use to diagnose fibro. I thought it was ulner nerve entrapment, but nerve tests proved negative, so just another horrid fibro symptom, yah! Good news is that it does sometimes go away for months at a time.x
Hi Camero. Actually my elbows are ok - but my worst pain is the inside of my knees. But if you look at one of those drawings of tender points on the body for fibromyalgia - the inside of the elbows and the inside of the knees are marked up -along side all the other trigger points.
I rest my case.
Thank you everyone who has replied to me about my sore elbows, everyone on here so kind, means a lot.can I ask what medication people find effective for Fibro? my GP gave me Amatrypline but it makes me feel sick .
thanks xx
The effectiveness of meds varies massively from person to person. But there are plenty of others you can discuss with your GP. Have a look here to get an idea: nhs.uk/conditions/fibromyal...
I’ve never found any hugely effective meds myself. I currently take Gabapentin and Tramadol - but the latter is also for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I only take a low dose of both and they slightly take the edge off everything.
What helps me most is exercise, eating properly and pacing. But it’s each to their own when it comes to fibro 🙂
Thank you so much I will have a look and discuss with my GP the pain just now is just really sore xxx
I get pins n needles in arms legs n bum when im tired. Had to monitor my blood pressure x2 a day ON BOTH ARMS.for gps. OMG excrutiating.ithought it must be going over 250 but it wasnt.. not convinced how acurate these readings will be considered. Cus i got uptight every time. My numbness in hands has got worse as the weeks gone on. We do feel pain more acutely whayever the reason im glad its over. If they tell me ive got to wear 1 for a day the answer wil be no i think
Hi, Yes. It was the first symptom of FIbromyalgia that caused me to seek help ( although with hindsight, I’d had other symptoms that I had been blaming on something else) . My rheumatologist told me it’s a common FM symptom. I haven’t found anything which eases it unfortunately.
Thanks Julie, last night and this morning my arms have been so sore, I'm going to make appointment with GP. I did read that Neals Yard Remedies is nent to be good. woman with Fibro swears by the Warming Salve rubs that on her sore points and said it really helps going to give it a try anything worth a try.
have a lovely day xx
Thank you for your recommendation, I shall look into that. Let me know how you get on at the doctors. Good luck 😀