Hello to everyone. I have recently joined and this is my first comment. I was diagnosed few years ago with FBM but know now that I have been undiagnosed for many years. I'm a psychiatric nurse and work in the community with people in crises. My team has been moved around 3 weeks ago to a a new site and told that as well as our work we are now expected to support a mental health covid ward consisting of people with unmanageable behaviour. I had a flare up of my symptoms when I was first told but returned a week later. The love I have for my job has always aided my ability to manage my symptoms but now I'm finding the stress overwhelming. I have pain relief but due to the sedation I can only take it at night. It's been comforting reading other comments from people and I no longer feel alone with my symptoms. I would welcome any ideas on coping with the current level of pain.
I'm struggling. : Hello to everyone. I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I'm struggling.

Hi I don’t have any advice to offer but I would like to say thank you for all of the hard work you are doing as a nurse. True angels working in the NHS, I hope after this Covid 19 calms down that you are all rewarded x 💝🤩

Hi Lilly, and a very warm welcome to this lovely forum, where you will get a lot of support and advice.
I would firstly have a discussion with your GP to see if they could change your medication to something with a less sedative affect. There are a few different medications which can be used for fibro, and you may find something else works better for you.
I would usually suggest heat as well, but I understand that's not practical when you're working.
Would it be possible to reduce your hours?
I'm sure others here will be able to offer more advice. xx
Hi Lilly57
I can totally empathise with the stress & working right now although I'm a carer & community based.
Phone call to your GP as MOAL61 suggested would be the best thing to do.
The only other thing I have when I need extra is co-codomol 15/500 & extra tramadol which I really try not to take.
Also use magnesium spray directly onto muscles, works really well for me especially for cramping/aching legs & really good for restless legs at night if that's an issue.
Hope you find something to give you some relief soon.
Hi Lilly, pain can sometimes be difficult to manage and it could be a case of you trying different medications from your GP until you find one that suits. We know that pain can increase as stress levels increase. So it is very important to manage stress also. Occupational Health should also be able to offer you support to manage your stress especially during this time. xx
Supporting a mental health covid ward, consisting of people with unmanageable behaviour doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster at all. Can't think why you are worrying. Hm?
Dya wonder if the world has gone ever so slightly mad?
Think these days you need to follow your inner direction. If your heart says, run for the Hills, (and I'm not suggesting that it does, or should,) I would get running!!!
I'm just saying if you sit quiet and listen, your heart will probably tell you what it needs. You can't afford the luxury of ignoring your Fibro flaring symptoms. They need to be addressed. Sometimes the answers you get are not in accordance with what is expected but is healthier to follow your heart guidance than just following the herd.
Hi Lilly57, This is my first post too😊 your message really hit home with me and I do wish you well.
The work you do is literally a life line to so many vulnerable people and I can imagine how emotionally draining your work can be. But remember you can only give so much of yourself and it’s ok to stop and care for you, you are important too.
I know only to well the impact of stress on my symptoms and how that stops me from doing what I my heart instinctively drives me to do.
I’m a counsellor and used to being there for others and love being able to do what I do. I always Encourage others to listen to their “inner voice and note their “gut feeling” but often forget to do that myself! which then results in horrible flare ups and then having no choice but to stop.
A110 post is just the reminder I needed to hear so I thank you too you😀
Stay well.
You're absolutely right! That feeling in your gut can become an actual physical pain when you suffer from fibro and if you push yourself against it to keep on going it can bring you right down! You really should try a word or two with your GP sometimes helps. Take care and stay safe everyone xx
Thank you all for the amazing advice and perspective - I have attempted to speak to management but they are understandably busy and dismissive. I'm currently waiting for a call from my GP and hope to discuss possible alternatives to my current treatment.
In addition to the excellent advice from everyone else, I would suggest you might like to try a TENS machine. Can sometimes assist with the pain.
Also, soak in a bath of Epsom salts when you get a chance. And make sure your diet is very “clean” - can help to keep a lid on inflammation.
Wishing you well xx
Just an update - my Gp is not willing to keep topping me up with pain relief and has signed me off - possibly for a while. I feel that if I had been left to continue with my crises work in the community I could have continued to work and manage my Fbm. Sad.
Thank you again for all the support and advice.