Just bit of fun Hope as... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Just bit of fun Hope as in Pandora's Box Do you see it as a blessing or another evil

37 Replies

Just a post for a bit of inner thought perhaps if it appeals

as history appears undecided

37 Replies
desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

No idea what you are asking here?

in reply to desquinn

Hi just the mythology is ambiguous is Hope a Blessing Or an Evil or still in the box even according to mythology

honeybug profile image

Hope is a blessing.

Evil there is neither a blessing nor hope.

EJ xxx

in reply to honeybug

Hi Flowering Field

without hope evil goes unrestrained I agree mythology is divided on it though.

What dose it take for evil to prevail ❓❔❓

Hope your gathering is going well xxx

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to

That’s easy Max... total hopelessness.

Falling into that bottomless pit of Evil there is NO light NO hope only EVIL.

Thanks for the fodder for deep thought.

Fairing well thank you. I pray all is well with you and yours too.

EJ xxx

in reply to honeybug

For evil to prevail it takes That good men or women should do nothing.

Thanks for appreciating the inner self to the thinking.

was a little concerned it may be miss read.

I Hope and prey thing are good on your side of the water

Love peace and harmony to you

GC xxx

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to

Thank you shy Max


for your Hope and prayers. We are in the midst of epicenter of the pandemic in the State of Michigan.

Governor has decreed it illegal to be out of our homes except for food meds covid19 testing emergency hospital admits petrol banking or leaving care goods to loved ones.

We are trusting Him to keep us safe during this crisis.

My fervent prayers and thoughts are with you and your family gallant GC.

Love and prayers 🙏

EJ xxx 😊🤗💖😘🕊😇

in reply to honeybug

Hi Flowering Fields

I really like that picture that paints in my mind hope you don,t mind x

I feel quite honoured by your words Thank you xx

Trust is a big part of hope I prey you and yours all keep well

I am troubled by the reality this all just a holding pattern to ease the stress on Medical services we really need a vaccine to help finish it off.

On an up side it may bring to world closer together, no matter what your god we are all vulnerable to the same thing.

My very best and heart felt Prayers to you 😌😌

GC xxx╰(*°▽°*)╯

Sarahvit profile image
Sarahvit in reply to honeybug

Total hopelessness leads to a state of deep depression. Evil things happen such as divorce, loss of loved ones, loss of health etc leads you into deep depression and despair 😩 but support of family, and friends helps and regaining faith will lift you out of that deep dark place and will bring light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that this life is just temporary and that life continues on with faith, hope, love, peace and the pain, suffering, sorrow and tears will be a thing of the past. This is hope and blessings which is a good thing. 😊💕🦋🙏🌷🌻💜

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to Sarahvit

Hi Sarah 😊🌿🌸🦋

Very well said sweetie.

The kind of hopelessness I referred to was the kind that caused my dear friend Kevin S to stand in front of a speeding freight train and let it smash into him dragging him along the tracks for more than a mile before the engineer could fully stop the train.

That kind of hopelessness is at the bottom of that pit where Evil lives no light exists no hope only death and forever lost to those who loved him so much.

I never cross the bridge where his mangled body finally was located once the train stopped or hear the train whistle blow multiple times daily ( the same train tracks are behind our home) that my heartstrings aren’t pulled strongly.

I will remain haunted until my last heartbeat and breath.

That happened 38years ago this June 10th.

How my heart aches for the poor engineer who became the instrument of Kevin’s death.

That man’s life was destroyed too.

So Sarah this is what I meant with my reply sweetie without all the horrific details.

This is the epitome of hopelessness.

EJ xxx

in reply to honeybug

Hi Flowering Fields

Left me a bit speechless

Loving Thoughts To You


honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to

Thank you dear Max. It does me too.

Sarahvit profile image
Sarahvit in reply to honeybug


I’m so sorry for your loss of your dear friend. He lost all faith, hope and saw no way out of his pain and suffering. I understand what it feels like to feel suicidal. I have been there several times. The only things that stopped me from carrying out those actions was a strong belief that if I commit suicide that I was going to hell. I never hold my believes on others. Meaning that God knows the pain they are going though and that it is between them and God. I only hold that belief to myself that if I committed suicide that I will go to hell. It is an anti suicidal thing that me keeps me alive. I just need to find my new purpose in my life. I was a RN and licensed minister was my calling now that I’m unable to do those thing.

I do hope you are able to heal from your friend’s tragic death. 😊💕💞💖🦋

in reply to Sarahvit

I have just got I love that thinking on the subject, the Forefront of positive.

Love it

Just the Greeks were a strange lot they even have a slant on it that the Beauty Of Aphrodite was intended as an evil for man could not help but fall in love with her.

Yet hope lived in that this was only true if man did not hold true love for another.

Its all very loving really

My take is that no mater how evil may try to rule Hope is there to frustrate and stand in its way so Hope is the curse on Evil.

Love Peace and Tranquillity be your guiding star.

MaxV4 Xx

in reply to

It feel like my comment there is out of position I hope its not misunderstood

bobbybobb profile image

I would say, Pandora's Box has been opened and the World is seeing the consequences. We've seen that pyramid of problems but the hope lies when we get the lid back on. Sometimes it's in our nature to look, even though we are unsure of what is ahead. Sometimes the lid won't fit, which changes the destiny of future events forever, theoretically speaking. x

in reply to bobbybobb

Hi Bobcut

That is lovely and deep, full of good hope i hope.

Its just mans or woman's nature to take a look


bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobb in reply to

Yes, full of hope, always, for what ever reason. That's how we move on and progress. x

in reply to bobbybobb

I liked your thinking that the lid did not fit back on

My thinking Hope springs eternal xxx

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobb in reply to

Yes but so does evil, That's why it is a Pandora's Box. x

in reply to bobbybobb

Hi Bobcut

Zeus put all the evils into Pandora box as punishment for who ever it was giving fire to mankind Afridity I cant spell it the goddess of love secretly put hope in the box.

Zeus then gave it to someone wife to look after with the premise not to open it but she was a bird and Zeus knew it,

so in sad moment as she was upset about something, so she took a look and the evils all started coming out.

She panicking put the lid back on supposedly trapping hope inside

there are lots of reasoning beyond that .

but its why i liked you thought that lid did not fit properly.

Peace out Kill Bills on I just Love Una Therma

excuse spelling


bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobb in reply to

I know about it, It's like any great story that linger's through the age of time. What you need to know is how to read in between the lines. x

hen-house profile image
hen-house in reply to bobbybobb

Very well said, and thought provoking! xxx

bobbybobb profile image

Well initially people would say no but that's initially, where have you been anyway, are you ok. x

Hi Loony Z

There were lots of Arks apparently

Be mello MaxV4

bobbybobb profile image

Yes I've read a few from time to time. I hope you are feeling a bit better. x

bobbybobb profile image

That is your favorite post, I think you have posted that numerous times and it is so funny, I feel for you. x

Hi Loony Z your mad

You mean no Zeus Or Aphrodite no Gorgon no labyrinth for Icarus to escape they didn't exist.

You will be saying their was no Odin No Thor or Loci next.

Dame it got lost dreams now LoL

What About Socrates and Archimedes the Owl from sword in the stone .

At least we know there was an Arthur Guinevere Lancelot and Merlin . to believe in.

Be mello


Treewade profile image
Treewade in reply to

Thor is really real i saw him two days ago with loci in my marvellous space xxxxxx

in reply to Treewade

Hi Treewade

I Thought I Thore his brother Locie at a party the other day as well xxx

You Made me smile only just found message sorry about delayed reply

Love and peace to you

MaxV4 xx

Apparently Not and they were carried into battle as a weapon of war,

honeybug profile image

Zoonie when gas is trapped lay on your back and massage your abdomen from just below the middle of your rib cage to the left circling around to the start point. Do this for about 5 minutes. Then while still on your back place hands behind knees pulling legs up towards abdomen. Hold the position and with the legs/knees pulled/flared out to the side(leaving a wide space between each leg while still pulled up towards tummy) then gently rock back and forth side to side for a few minutes.

Follow all of that by laying on your left side to help aid the bowel in movement.

Hopefully it will help the gas expel easily.

Make sure your are well hydrated so bowel contents aren’t sticky while trying to pass.

Best wishes for elimination my poor painful friend.

EJ xxx

Treewade profile image

Could be a pandora plague or a biblical one who knows i remember being sat in church and having revelations preached at me and the rest of the congregation scared me silly xxxxx

in reply to Treewade

I know that preaching Cof S and God will send down the fire balls and strike ye dead and all that stuf did not know what to make of xxxx

Hi Loony Z

I thought there were 5 or 7 that were dispersed with the 5 or 7 lost tribes of Israel when they had to flee. There is one that is supposedly stashed in the vaults of the Vatican along with the shroud of Christ but they would never own to that I guess.

But who knows for sure

Its like the Bible I think it was written by a dyslectic who missed an O out of God I.E. Good

Peace and Tranquillity to you


Treewade profile image

Think nostradormas also predicted this disease and this year im baffled we hear all the time we are in the end of times and with climate change all the fires tsunamis volcanic activity and other natural disasters who knows we are destroying the planet filling the ground with rubbish eventual earth needed to make a stand i guess maybe theres lessons we can learn the airis getting cleaner while we re on lockdown maybe we ll find someway of helping the world xxxxx

Hi Treewade

what you say is all so very true. The People that put profit before all else are where my anger lays.

I can but think there is more to this virus than they say. I do ponder just how man made it may really be they are supplying so little information regarding actual source.

Some say Eating Bats

I have a HOPE it may change the world for the better No true God advocates mindless killing to to further his name, no matter what God one may chose to follow this Virus curses all with the same evil.

Love Peace and Deap respect

MaxV4 xx

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