Hi everyone, please could I have some advice. I rang and applied via phone and now they’ve sent me the application form to fill out.
What are things to focus on and say to help get awarded? It’s hard for me to really sell it. I consider myself a strong, independent woman who constantly makes my own adjustments to lead a normal life. I use lifts instead of stairs, I have to have a break between floors of my hours and use the bannisters BUT I do walk up and down them. I frequently have fibro fog and when I do too much I’m knocked up for days.
Everyone says if you can drive and walk 50 metres they won’t give it you however, I’ve been off work (as a radiographer) since May due to my shoulders packing in, my fibromyalgia makes it worse and vice versa. I’ve had to return recently for fear of losing my job and because as a single Mum I am now out of money! Gone back on 15 hours but worried they’ll say a flat no because of the fact I can drive, I can walk 50 metres (albeit having to stop for little breaks and always parking within walking distance on flat ground so I don’t aggravate symptoms. I don’t lead a normal life, I lead an ‘adjusted’ life to be able to do normally day to day activities. I really need the Pip money and I can’t work as normal because of my fibromyalgia but it seems like if you aren’t wheelchair bound they won’t give it to anyone.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated before I fill it in x