I got a phone call☎☎☎☎📱PIP - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I got a phone call☎☎☎☎📱PIP

27 Replies

Last week I received a phone call from DWP about my pip appeal !!

In all including the mandatory I have been waiting 9 months

The call was to say that they had decided it would not go to appeal and I have now been awarded enhanced rate for mobility & daily living.

For anyone else going through this keep strong and keep fighting send as much evidence as poss and always send your evidence recorded post ?



27 Replies
avantgardener profile image

Many congratulations on finally getting your result. Please may I ask what types of evidence you sent them? If you don’t mind.

in reply toavantgardener

I got a disc of images of my MRIs CT scan

I also got all my medical records from my gp and the hospital. It took around 30 days from applying for my records from the hospital & gp their was no charge to obtain this information from either !! I would certainty encourage anyone in this position to do this 👍


Although no doubt many of us play down our illness to family and friends to stop them worrying ( I know I do !) Please don't do this with regards to you mandatory /appeal its so important to tell them how shitty you feel and how honestly your illness affects you

I get so angry when people say 'well you look alright"

I'm affraid that's the problem with invisible illnesses 😷sadly and also the problem with ignorance of some people😤

in reply to

Its also important that if you obtain any images CTS MRIs xrays etc you also must get the reports to support the images or the judge will contact you requesting the report .

VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to

What kind of images and reports did you supply? I’ve got osteoporosis in spine and hips and osteoarthritis in neck and spine? I’m just starting my PIP claim and currently get DLA. I’m extremely overwrought about this. I visited the osteoporosis clinic yesterday and I need to restart Prolia injections after previously having them for five years as my bone density as deteriorated again.😢

👍 👊 Thank u

I was also awarded enhanced for both mobility and living. I had to go to the tribunal. Exhausting. The doctor and lawyer were very nice and tried to help me relax and explain a typical day. That was 2 weeks ago. Given the decision paperwork at the tribunal. Nothing yet from DWP. Was told it could take up to another 6 weeks for a payment. By that time it will have been almost 14 months since I lodged the claim. It’s a long road but please if anyone is going through this, try to stay positive.

in reply to

They actually paid my arrears around 3/4 days later and I received the new awards letter a couple of days after that!!

Get on the phone and keep pressing them after all if you owed them money they would no doubt be chasing you !!! Call them ask what your owed and when can you expect your arrears payment

You have already been suffering hardship and stress throughout the appeal system and now a award has been given you would like to know.

I hope this may help?👍

VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to

Sorry I don’t understand, you’d already been awarded pip then had to go for an assessment? I don’t know what a mandatory is?

in reply toVintageMustard

I was on DLA but this wasn't a change over!

It was just a assessment at home by capita assessor

I went for a mandatory and was not happy with the decision so I went for appeal!After 9 months I then received the decision by phone and did not have to go to court of appeal.

VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to

They assessed you in order to stay on DLA? Are you still on it?

in reply toVintageMustard


VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to

How long were you on Pip before the mandatory? Did you have problems going from DLA to Pip as that’s what I’m going to be doing? I live on my own too.

in reply toVintageMustard

No probs going from DLA to pip

And I had been on pip for around 2years they normally review every 3 years I think ???? But I was also told they can actually review your pip upto a year before the award date ends

I was asssed at home by capita then I waited around 3 weeks for a outcome then when I got the outcome I had been put on standard daily living so I then put in for a mandatory appeal which again took around 5/6 weeks then it went to full appeal.

When I was in reciept of DLA I was on higher rate for both but like DWP like to put it pip is a totally new benefit and anything to do with a DLA claim isn't taken into account when applying for pip

So from start to finish I was waiting for appeal 27 weeks although I was told by ministry of justice the time scale in my area was over 45 weeks but it has now risen to 65 week wait ( disgusting !!) In all with my mandatory it was 9 months

VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to

What info did you give to go from DLA to PIP? How long did it take? How long has you been on DLA before going to Pip? I am currently getting together all my hospital records.

in reply toVintageMustard

I would advice to do this I also did the same both my hospital and doctors records I also got disc images of scans/ MRI s but I must stress if you are getting a disc of any images you will also need the reports that go with them . if you get any support from anybidy else e.g doctor letter your surgery may charge mine was £25

Or physio etc the hospital records along with your doctor records should be free

Your images if scans/MRI s your hospital trust my also charge mine DIDNT

The hospital and doctors records should take no longer than 30 days this is the timescale that both are given.

And ALWAYS if you send anything to DWP send it recorded post

I hope I've been of some help I wish you all the best


in reply to

When I went from DLA to pip I pretty much told them the same as when I applied for DLA although my illnesses had become much worst and severe 😷😷😷😷👎😥

in reply to

It maybe worth you getting in touch with your local welfare rights and they will support and advise you and also help with corresponding with the DWP on your behalf .

Although I took some advice from.them I actually did mine on my own but it was extremely draining both mentally and physically.

I actually suffer with lupus and secondary fibro

And a long list of other things and the whole thing really took it toll on me.

In fact I had only been discharge from the hospital 3 days when the capita assessor came I had been in with central nervous system vasculitis and they found some brain lesions on my brain after a MRI

I gave the assessor my discharge letter the morning she came she just took it from me and put it down didn't even care to take a look at it !!!

Then she asked me to stand up touch my toes raise my arms !!!! REALLY ???? UNBELIEVABLE

Dizzytwo profile image

That's great news. I'm so glad all you stress is hopefully behined you now 👏👏

I don't know if your aware but you can lock your posts so only this community can read and reply to you. Open posts which yours is maybe read by anyone on the net like FB, Google etc just thought I would give you the heads up :)

The link below will show you how to lock a post if you wish to.


Have a great day xx


Thank u

bobbybobb profile image

great news x

I'm so so pleased for you, a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Please take care of yourself Lynne

in reply to

Many thanks Lynne👍

in reply to

You are very welcome.

I just hope 🙏🍀 it gives anyone else the strength to keep positive and strong 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

Reykua profile image

Well done.

The DWP lawyers are seriously overworked and when they think the case is no better than 50/50 they will more often than not, just cave.

Not to mention that they are desperately trying to reduce the number of cases that are winning at appeal so taking more time to fully consider cases prior to making decisions.

All this is making the waiting period a lot longer - sorry.

So pleased for you. Your courage and tenacity has seen you through.

in reply toReykua

Thank you so much 🌸

papakebo75 profile image

Im constantly telling other Chronic pain/illness sufferers to apply for PIP or to appeal against their decision and be prepared to fight tooth and nail for it and it won't happen overnight but DO not give up on it as it plays rite into DWP hands,its designed to be long and tiresome as well as daunting as many applicants suffer from depression and anxiety issues and it becomes to overbearing to see it through which is a disgusting tactic to use but in my opinion this is what its entirely designed for, it took me around 3yrs to get benefits in place when i was made medically redundant,I was left in a position where I had to use the local food bank but had no electricity to cook it with and had to eventually sleep on my daughter's living room floor on a blow up bed with my wife until i had basic benefits in place, Knowledge of benefits system certainly helps but as me and my wife had always worked for the previous 26 years since leaving school neither of us had ever had any dealings or experience in how it all worked ,So i beg u all that feel like giving up to please keep banging that drum..Im glad your ordeal is over and have the decision you deserve .. .

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