Hi my doctor has just told me she feels I may have fibromyalgia. I have been having trouble with my mobility for quite some time but as my symptoms flarred up again I went to see her. She floored me with this possible diagnosis. Where do I begin to help myself how did you get the help needed?
Help with diagnosis : Hi my doctor has... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Help with diagnosis

hey again have they given you any medication? the process after the diagnosis is different, for some it’s so many emotions, for others it’s “well ok let’s just get on”. It is a steep learning curve and sorry you are on this. One thing I did was read up on it, a book about fibromyalgia not the google job where everything is too much! I then sought some advice actually from others who helped me along

Just something to settle my stomach and then anti inflammatory painkillers to see will it help but nothing specific she told me go home do some research and see do I tick the boxes it was a ding ding ding for most so I'm thinking she may be right it runs in the family but is a hard diagnosis to swallow as there is not much to be done. It seems to be find the right course of pain meds and manage it but not much else to do it's so overwhelming especially as I have been through 4 years of hell with my health and thought things were turning a corner until they weren't and feel like I'm right back at square one.
I understand you, anti inflammatory meds are good to begin with and definitely the stomach settlers with NSAIDS are crucial. It is a hard one to accept I totally get where you are coming from, with there being no cure it’s tough. You do believe it or not do learn to live with it, it isn’t easy but there is so much support from other sufferers out there I find that helps, you aren’t alone. sorry you feel so over whelmed. Feel free to ask any questions I am more than happy to answer them if I can

Hi Elizahl
And a warm welcome to the community.
You can read up about symptoms, treatments etc on our main site fmauk.org and also order a patient information pack at fmauk.org/resources
There can be a lot of mixed emotions and feelings at diagnosis.... Often relief at having a name but at same time coming to terms that you now have a condition that will affect your whole life.
Keys to managing the symptoms include pacing to avoid the crash and burn cycle, keeping as active as possible which can help to prevent pain from stiffness and muscle weakness occurring, trying different ways to manage symptoms to find out what helps you etc.
That's great advice thanks so much I'm just feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about my future at the moment. I've just accepted a place in collage and now I'm unsure if I will be able for it but I refuse to give in. Last October I lost power in my arms and legs and fought through it o will fight this and find a way to manage it if it is the last thing I do I won't give on life is to precious and we sometimes take things for granted. This makes me feel like I need to fight on and my attitude is I can and I will do this just have to remember to mind myself more and slow down sometimes. It's frustrating though only in my 30s and a mammy of 3.
It can be overwhelming at first, and they're is alsoso much information out there.... Not all of which is accurate.
Good luck for your college course. Can I suggest that you speak to student services, if you have not already done so. They will be able to help and support you in your studies to accommodate your health xxxx