Hi I'm new here. Im 26 and last week was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypermobility after being extremely ill for over a year. I have and 18 month old son who I seriously struggle to cope with most of the time due to my illness. I applied and was denied pip as I was two points under qualifying, this has been a massive blow as I cannot afford playschool for my son which would help me massively. I am in the process of appealing the pip. I had to resign from my new job as a stroke rehab assistant after collapsing unconscious at work due to being ill. I hsve found this difficult to deal with as I worked so hard to get the job after being on maternity leave for a long time . I feel all these factors are making my anxiety and mood worse as I'm finding it all hard to come to terms with. If anyone has any advice, knowing other people understand would be much help to me at this time .
Stress with diagnosis of fibro - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Stress with diagnosis of fibro

Hiya... Sorry to hear your having such a tough time.. I was the same age when I was diagnosed with hypermobilty.. But only recently told I have fibromyalgia.. Although been suspected for years..I've not got any advice..another be kind to urself..rest when u can..Just Sending hugs and letting u know.. There's loads of fibro friends out there.. X
Welcome to the group. the link to our mother site is fmauk.org
there is a lot of useful information on there.
glad to hear you have appealed and i do hope you have taken advice filling and answering any questions on the forms as you really do need to know what to put down . good luck .theres no easy way round all this . just try pace yourself .altho difficult as a young mum and the demands that that brings . i push myself to get out in fresh air every day even when im in so much pain and depressed. and i have to say i do feel better for it . im back at my gp again tomorrow as the meds im now taking are having no effect at all , tramadol is better for me but was making me spaced out . anyhow luv all the best and take care of yourself
Thanks for reply. My mum works for and advice service dealing with these kind of claims and former filling so she helped me with the forms,it was the health assessment I had that was the problem as some of the things she wrote down where incorrect. I do get out most days even just a walk up the road to the park with my son but it catches up with me every time. I just hope I can get the help financially as I can stop worrying that I'm not stimulating my child enough if he is at nursery a couple of days a week I know he would thrive. I just feel like a bad mother for not playing with him all the time and having the energy I used to be able to give him. I'm sure things will improve. Much love x
I feel for you so young to suffer from this I was diagnosed six years ago I'm now 60 don't think I would have coped being diagnosed at 26 .it must be hard keeping up with a toddler I work full time and I'm on my feet for most of the day but I can't afford to give up work even my doctor has said I shouldn't be doing it .my dad is aged 99 and I go to his house every day to check on him sometimes after a ten hour day. He is in quite good health but his memory has started to go .i honestly don't know how I do it think adrenaline kicks in when I'm at work but when I get home I can't put one foot in front of the other it hurts to sit it hurts to stand it hurts to lie down thankfully my medication at night knocks me out so I do sleep then it's back to work the next day by the time I retire I'll be fit for nothing I still manage to keep cheerful although I'm crying inside
God knows how u cope working those hours ! I am finding not working difficult but can barely cope being at home with a toddler let alone a job. Maybe once I find the right pain meds and my son is in nursery I could look into part time work just to keep me sane. Hope u feeling ok today x
That's why I go to work I would go mad sat at home all day I just force myself to do it mind over matter I suppose think I would just give up without my job but I'm thinking of cutting my hours down a bit after Christmas it's really hard I wake up not knowing where the pain is going to be arms ,legs ,feet,neck etc .at least we get a variety of pains would be boring if it was just in one place all the time .keep positive keep trying to get the meds right and let people help you I've spent years saying "I'll be ok " but I've realised that I need help now my family have been fantastic
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I sincerely hope that you find the answers that you are looking for, and I see that mayrose has given you the link to the FMA UK website who have a benefit helpline.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
It's a struggle hunny but there r so many fantastic and fun things we share on here to t try and lift each other on awful days I wish you all the best with your pop appeal have you tried asking for help from social services re play schemes for your son xxxxx hope the anxiety lifts soon Hun sending love xxxx