Urgh: Can l just ask. Amongst the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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HBpencil profile image
19 Replies

Can l just ask. Amongst the numerous symptoms of this condition. Does anyone ever have funny turns? In that l mean all of a suddenly come over very unwell. Dizzy, nausea, balance off. Sometimes it feels like I'm walking sideways on a tightrope! Then every ounce of energy, (only have a few ounces in the first place) drained just like that ..

I do recover to a point. Usually after a short sleep.

Just wondered if it's part of fibromyalgia. I have had bloods done recently and know my kidney function is down. But still got to see my doctor next week. X

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HBpencil profile image
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19 Replies
Mandypandy1969 profile image

i have dizzy spells, blurred vision and migraines with aura. xx

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to Mandypandy1969

Thanks for the reply Mandy. I do get migraines but didn't think this was it.....but you never know. I do know l can have them without a headache. X

Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to HBpencil

i do also along with dizzy spells and not the headache. x

Tattoogirl73 profile image

Yes all of what you say not good when your a chef and near hot equipment all day , I tend to find I can right myself by drinking more water and upping sugar , but yeah the other is feeling like your struggling to speak and fear your having a stroke bit everyone e else says I was raking fine , also I get my rhumy consultant to check my ears for infections as that causes it , but yes it’s a lovely effect of fibro

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to Tattoogirl73

Thank Tatoogirl73.

Yeah just when you think there are no more symptoms left to experience. Something else rears it's ugly head.

Goodness knows how you manage to work as a chef feeling like that!

Tattoogirl73 profile image
Tattoogirl73 in reply to HBpencil

Well I don’t do much after work other than collapse after cooking dinner at home and take more pills

Hi HBpencil. Yes, I get this too and a feeling of disorientation and waves of fear about collapsing. It's okay when you're home and can lie down and let it pass, but not good whilst out! Hope all goes well with the Dr xx

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to

Thanks for that KookeeM.

That's a very good description of how it feels...it can be quite scary and like you say when you're in a public place or out somewhere.

And, so difficult to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it. X

Patdoyle profile image
Patdoyle in reply to

I get this too. Feel as though every bit of energy has been sucked out of my body. Go very nauseous and sweaty and need to lie down.

This was my first sign of having fibro. I described it as if a tap had been turned and all my energy ran out to the extent I couldn't stand up.

If I try to keep moving I lose my balance, become short of breath and then the costochondritis kicks in. I've had heart and lungs checked, even a fully body CT scan and nothing showed up.

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to

Yeah the energy draining thing is weird isn't it?

When you read anything about fibromyalgia it tends to explain about the wide spread pain and fatigue, but not about how I'll it can make you feel.

As for the costochondritis. That is agony. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia years ago and now think that was the start of this wonderful journey......😣

Yogabear1 profile image
Yogabear1 in reply to

Oh my, yes the costochondritis is awful. I had my first severe bout 2 years ago and was hospitalized for 7 days as I couldn’t eat/ swallow. I lost ridiculous amounts of weight and then the anxiety kicked in. I ended up having steroid injections through my rib cage, around my heart, into the cartilage. Not pleasant but after three weeks the severe pain in my torso dissipated. It took 18 months to fully go and now I have deep tissue massage therapy for it. It is amazing how much it works.

My golly, I’m reading so many peoples heart breaking pain stories it makes my heart heavy.

in reply to Yogabear1

Goodness that sounds terrible. I should be grateful that mine,though painful and a bit scary, does pass quite quickly as long as I'm at home with access to my hot water bottles.

Dorimori profile image

I also have this, blurred vision, dizziness and walking into things like I've had one too many (chance would be a fine thing) 😂😂😂

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to Dorimori

Horrible to think that so many people have these sensations. But reassuring to know I'm not the only one.

And Yeah Dorimori. A few sherberts would go down a treat! But that too is a pleasure that l can no longer enjoy....🤨

Yogabear1 profile image
Yogabear1 in reply to HBpencil

Yes, I also no longer drink alcohol or sugar. It makes the pain worse.

Hello, Yes I get these symptoms too. It means I can't venture too far from home. I tend to plan where I'm going, how far is it, how long I'll be out, whether there are rest facilities etc. Sometimes on a good day I over do it and that's when it's most likely to strike. So today I thought I'd go out for an hour to get some shoes, before lunch. Big mistake because it took longer than expected and now I'm laying on the couch. It's low energy, pain and also mood drops. I get very anxious and generally scared for no apparent reason. In some ways I realise its weird but in other ways its become normal for me.

I hope you will take comfort in knowing you aren't alone, even if my post has nothing helpful for you.

HBpencil profile image
HBpencil in reply to

That's exactly it!

All these sensations are like nothing else. That's why it it is so difficult to describe to people...

And yes l do take some comfort in knowing I'm not alone. Your post is helpful in that you understand how it feels.....

Zoralynn profile image

The dizzy spells happen to me quite often, I’ll be walking and feel like I’m sideways. I’ve fallen a few times from it. I agree after your drained you have to lie down for a bit. God Bless..

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