Hi every1, has any1 ever had numbness in their legs , my right thigh has been going numb for a while now and docs arent sure why . its weird and when i mean numb i mean i cant even feel someone touching me there
weird one: Hi every1, has any1 ever had... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
weird one

Yes . I've finally been referred to see someone at the hospital.
Do you have any pelvic floor problems? Difficulty with constipation / eliminating? Send me pm if you prefer.
Yes I had this for about two years had to walk with crutches else I would fall never in pain just numb still have it in my left hand but the leg just seemed to get better nobody knew why I had it
Hi Lawzwarren
Yep, that’s one of my freaky things too.I had to ask for some help whilst I was getting a repair done to my phone. I was panicking as usual but because I knew this was a new panic my brain decided I didn’t need my legs anymore By the time help arrived. Despite having my crutches I did a super hero step to the front door and collapsed whilst opening the front door on my way down ,face slapping the floor on my way down. Hey!
I get it all the time .. can’t feel anything from waist to knee ... I walk with a stick ( I do have lower back probs) but no doctor seems to take it seriously wish it got better but got me had it for the best part of a decade now ..
I also have this problem, & had it for around five years. It mainly affects both thighs from hip to knee & often I cannot tell what surface my feet are on. I have talked about this to various specialists but so far no reason has emerged or solution found.
I've only had a couple of episodes like this, more so arms than legs. It feels heavy and lack of normal grip. I did manage to have both head and neck MRI. But the feeling had gone back to normal by this time and scan showed normal. It's something I'm quite concerned about whether it will carry. G.P doesn't seem too concerned but maybe keep a record of your activity so when it happens there might show a pattern. Even if it doesn't they can see you're not just saying it. Take care