So after months of waiting , I have the date for my PIP appeal tribunal . Just wondered if anyone that has gone through it has any tips /advice at all ?
Tribunal Date: So after months of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tribunal Date

Hi, I went through a PIP tribunal in 2016. The thing to remember is that they judge based on the date of the assessment. I was having a very bad day on the tribunal and they said they can't judge on how I was that day, then advised if it had got worse then I should be reassessed! They just don't understand variable conditions.
Make a list of the points you disagree with, and arguments why it should be changed.
Take someone with you for support.
Good luck, stay strong inside
Gentle hugs X
They gave me zero points . CAB helped with the forms , but will not represent me .
The CAB lady said she thought I would qualify for 14 points in the personal care part . I can walk , though it causes pain . My dexterity is very bad . I have Fibro and Osteoarthritis , I have an appointment in September with an RA specialist and I am under Physio's for my hands and cervical spine.

Take someone with you if you can.
You've already been given some good advice by others, so I'll just wish you good luck with it all x
Yes make sure you go as if it’s your worse day Take you your walking aids Take all your medical diagnoses Any counciling your having Don’t forget you can’t cook hot food and have trouble going to the loo You can’t mix with people and you lost all your friends You have exstream trouble in walking up time to 20 Mtrs Your medication makes you sick Ol this what you have so tell them Right it all down
My daughter scored 0 first time round. Still scored 0 at appeal. It was very stressful and they basically accused of lying!
Reapplied as she got worse. 2 points off this time so appealed again. Date in June. More prepared this time. You need to quote the law and focus on not being able to do things to acceptable standard, repeatedly and what impact it has on the rest of your day. They have to take pain into consideration. If you can do something but it causes pain this is not acceptable standard.
If you PM me I can give you my email and I'll send you what I have prepared, you might've able to use some of it.
Prepare a speech as you will be nervous and forget everything!
Good luck!
Hi I had my PIP appeal last June, I was so nervous. My partner came with me & I prepared a written statement for them to read before the day. I honestly think that helped as they knew a few things about my health/difficulties before they started. As soon as I sat down they said I should of been given a point for using a dosette box. They were very nice and the doctor on the panel was particularly kind and even spoke to me after about things I could try. The harshest one with questioning etc was the disability advocate. I won the appeal and was awarded standard daily living and enhanced mobility. The mobility was a shock as I wasn't expecting enhanced. Wishing you every success with your appeal xx
Write a diary from now to you have to go put every thing in it from how your feeling and what you feel like wen you do stuff and would also say take some one with you if you can get any 1 else to write a report on you about how they see you have changed and how you are effected that might help get as much back up from doc - speaclist - your local mp if you go to pain teams every letter helps I like to wish you the best of luck x
Wishing you all the luck in the world. I'm just waiting to see what they award me , if anything. Take care Lynne
Really hope it goes well for you. How long did you have to wait as I'm also waiting for one after scoring zero? Best of luck with it.