I’m writing this from my hospital bed, where I’ve been for the past week and a bit. I thought the daily pain from my fibromyalgia was the worst of my problems this time two weeks ago, then I was suddenly struck down with an abscess which was drained under general anaesthetic. Then I was struck down hard by Sepsis, a bowel infection and a severe strain of flu. I’m told I nearly died. The only thing I can remember of those times when I was really ill, was that I knew I was dying. I also wanted to die as the pain was that unbearable. I remember then seeing my Aunt, who died 20 years ago and then as if by a miracle my body started reacting positively to the sepsis shock treatment I received. It wasn’t my time to go thankfully And now, here I am able to write this message and wonder how my body can keep surviving all the years of illness and pain.
Sepsis: I’m writing this from my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Oh bless you Hun, I’m so so sorry that you’ve been going through such an awful time! I’m so relieved that you’re finally coming through the other side of it all and I truly wish you a speedy recovery. You must’ve been terrified hun! However, as I said I’m truly relieved that you’re finally getting over the worst of it.
I can understand some of what you’ve been through. After my first lot of spinal surgery I developed spinal fluid leaks and meningitis. I had so much infection that I later found out that my two children were told to say their goodbyes to me as the Drs weren’t sure that I’d pull through. I don’t remember too much of what I was going through other than an overwhelming feeling of impending doom, if that makes sense. I’m so pleased that we both made it through that awful time for us.
Please continue to improve and I hope you get back home very soon. Take care of yourself and lots of love and hugs to you xxx🤗🤗
Oh God lovely I’m so sorry for your experience, it’s awful when you have children isn’t it. I can’t imagine what I would have felt like as a child and be told my mum might die, I hope your two are ok, and so glad you are too. It’s something I guess that is going to change me from now on - I’m going to be giving up work for a while, as I know next time I won’t be so lucky & I know that I will definately be more appreciative of everything - good and bad from now on too. Xx
That’s exactly what I’m like now too. There’s a gentle calmness about me and I’m definitely less stressed than I used to be. I’ve also become more spiritual. Also, it’s definitely brought me and my two wonderful children closer than ever. They were 17 and 20 at the time. My family didn’t bother with me let alone them. They never asked if they needed money or food and never once visited me in hospital. I stopped talking to them when I came out of hospital.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for thinking about my wonderful children. I really do appreciate it Hun.
Please take care of yourself lovely and I truly hope and pray that you get better very soon and that you get home as quickly as possible. Lots of love and hugs to you lovely xx🤗🤗💕
It's good to hear your recovering! I watched my auntie suffer with sepsis, she pulled through but it was horrible. Yes it wasn't your time,befor you know it you'll be home. Take care. Chris x
Thank goodness you made it! Sending healing thoughts your way!
I am so sorry to hear you have been so ill but very happy you are on the mend. I hope your health continues to improve. Sending loads of healing vibes your way 🤗
Hi Lulu, You have been through such a frightening experience. So glad to hear you are now in recovery and your body is responding to treatment. Your family must be so relieved you're on the mend. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.🤗Xx
Thank you, it’s one of those things I think that I need to talk about to make sense of! Xx
I’m so sorry that you have gone through such a dreadful time. Sometimes wonder about how much is thrown at some people! I am so glad that you have come through it and are now on the mend. Please take care of yourself and I wish you a good recovery and as many pain free moments as possible. Xx
Thank you lovely! I wonder how some people go through life without having much illness or pain and then others such as us have more than our fair share - guess that’s an age old question no-one has the answer to! There’s nothing left to just carry on is there and try to be as positive and grateful regardless! Xx
I'm so sorry you've been through all that, Lulu. I hope you're on the mend now. I have secondary lymohoedema in my arm (from breast cancer) which leaves me prone to cellulitis and sepsis. I had severe cellulitis 2 years ago and like you, was very seriously ill. I'm wary now of any bacterial infection. I know people think I am paranoid about catching bugs but they haven't been through what you and I have so they don't understand. Just take very good care of yourself!
So sorry to hear you've been so well, it must have been worrying for you and your family. Sending a little extra strength to keep fighting for a speedy recovery x