Hi everyone.
I am going to see my doctor tomorrow for fibromyalgia
Am in constant pain in my shoulder blade then my arms my back legs I feel fatigue he seems to be getting worse and I find it difficult to walk now due to the pain in my back my left arm shoulder blade cracks and my spine also makes cracking noises I find it difficult to get dressed because of my left arm hurting so badly do you think or is there a test that I can have done to say that I have this as I'm finding it difficult to get around and lift up things or even hold a cup as the pain in my shoulder blade runs into my arm into my fingers sometimes it's difficult to hold a cup will they see me do you think for this or will I get to see a specialist of any sort all I seem to do is take pills to town relieve the pain there doesn't seem to be helping too much I also feel it in my knees hips ankles too