Thank you for this site,its about the only thing keeping me going.i feel so ill at the moment,don't want to carry on at times.iv seen no one in days,I'm fighting a Pip decision that saw my allowance just exhausted but reading all your posts,i know I'm not alone.Sooo VERY down at the mo.tomorrow sees my mum in laws memorium and the following day its my husbands.sorry to go on,one exhausted lady.๐ X
Depressed.: Thank you for this site,its... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi my friend
I am so very sorry you are so down. It is more than understandable that you are feeling that way.
I think loneliness hits many of us Fibromites. Friends just don't understand.
At least you have us and we do understand.
Do you think it may be worth seeing your GP just to see if your meds need tweaking to get you through this difficult time?
Wishing you much peace
Lu xx
Hi Crystalship, So sorry you are going through such a bad spell it is hard to cope with. I lost my husband last year and my GP said that the grief was making my symptoms so much worse.
It has been quite a year and I get so down also at times. I am attending Bereavement Counselling but have family and friends that I can talk to and have seen me crying so many times. The Counselling is just sitting chatting really about anything/everything and the chap I see is very nice I dont know if you do this, it may help. I feel it will only be time that will really help though I will never forget losing my husband my best friend.
I have friends in a similar position and have said to them that I never knew it could be this bad until you experience it yourself. Every day is a challenge and I feel if I didn't have Fibro and felt better I could get out more and be doing other things. Losing a loved one is hard enough but when your health isn't good everything seems so much worse so I can fully understand what you are going through.
Sorry to hear about PiP can you not appeal? I'm here if you need a chat sending hugs x
Hello @1499, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. The early days are so traumatic, like the worst roller coaster ever.
You may like to look at a site called Merry Widow, I found everyone there so supportive and helpful in the early days ( years really) There is also Way and Way Up which are organisations available online and have local meet ups, usually coffee or a meal. Again, I met some lovely people who understand.
Grief does awful things to our bodies. Be very gentle and kind to yourself. Hugs.

Thank you Hollyberry for replying.
I am hoping to move home in the next month or two and I know this will be stressful on me as I can't do the things I used to do and do them as quickly either but my family have said they will help. I am moving nearer to my family and my good friends whom I've had for over 30 years and my parish were I helped with the folk music for such a long time.
I don't drive (my husband did) and it is too awkward to get there by bus so my family don't want me spending another winter more or less on my own for most of the time and I will get seeing them and my grandchildren more often. It is a thought to move house and I don't know if physically I will get any better ,but having everyone around if I need them hopefully will. Many Thanks hugs x
Hi crystalship, I know what it's like to have depression as well as other problems, hang in there, hope you don't mind me asking but do you take anti-depressants? I take citalopram and it really helps. I have always had the mind set of enjoy the better days and just ride out the bad, you will get better, just need lots of understanding and encouragement x
Hey Crystalship, exhaustion hey - it really gets you down ๐ As does everything else that goes along with this terrible disease. I'm not sure what Pip is over in the U.K., but if it's anything like our WINZ system in NZ, which handles sickness benefits and dole etc, then it's a soul destroying institution. My heart goes out to you. I can't say anything to make it all better, but take comfort in that you're not alone here xx
I'm so sorry. Anniversaries are always awful and I've found the run up to them worse than the day itself. It'll be 10 years for my partner this month --- seems like yesterday, seems like for ever.
I think grief changes a lot of body chemicals. I definitely think my fibro is rooted in the death of my partner, then crystallised by the death of a friend by suicide 5 years later , and a so called friend trying to steal a large sum of money from me. I can recommend a forum called Merry Widow ( ignore the name !) and an organisation called Way for widows/widowers under 50 and Way Up fir those over 50. Lots of people who understand.
I've decided fibro is a miserable, mean little illness--/ I imagine it is as a wizened, ugly little creature, bitter and twisted and I kick it frequently. I'm not a violent person but it helps.
I'm sure isolation also fires fibro up. I'm on my own apart from my dogs most of the time, I've never been a very social person, but again who knows what these hormones, chemicals in our bodies think of that and kick off to react.
Send some very gentle hugs your way.
So sorry you are feeling so down but very understandable with everything you are dealing with. I can only say much of what has already been said and I think time is definately a great healer. I don't suffer with fibro myself I have thyroid problems but this site is such a lovely place to visit when I feel down. Gather strength from all those on here who genuinely care.
I am thinking of you please take care and look after yourself ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Oh Gosh, you are having a rough time. Last thing you need is PIP problems.
Big soft squidgy hugs and please fight for your PIP.
Hi I think a lot of us feel like this as this s****y condition is awful. You must go doctors whilst your so low don't leave until they have given you support not only physical but for your emotional state. Please remember although good days are rare we all have them. Xxxx
I'm sending over a virtual *gentle hug*, if you need it. x
Thank you all sooo much for ur hugs,advice and wishes.โบ what would i do without this site-best thing i did was find it.its taken me a while but i got up and went out for a while.cleared my head and feel much better than i at the Drs tomorrow and will mention all this.i am already on Prozac but whether it needs being upped i don't have a look at the merry widows site too.thank you,all of you.โบ Xx