Recently diagnosed: Hi I was recently... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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Recently diagnosed

Louise-heather profile image
17 Replies

Hi I was recently diagnosed with fibro after years of going to the doctors about my pain my gp is useless and I hardly no any thing about fibro does any one have any tips on dealing with the pain

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Louise-heather profile image
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17 Replies
Steve49 profile image

Hi Louise-heather.

Welcome to the "pain - gang"

Please ask away as we have a great amount off guys & girls who will help you on here.

Please ask me for any help/support, I will be able to assist you as much as I can.

Please - please let me know !!!


neesey1005 profile image

Hi welcome to a great site -with lots of helpful friends and answers - sorry but you may need to change your doctor - I had to change mine many times before I got a understanding doctor - hope you feel better soon - Neese x

Royalspec01 profile image

Hi there well fibro is soooo humongous with symptoms and yet a very individual thing too. Even though peeps with fibro with all have some of the same symptoms, each person will have more or less of one symptom than another. The one thing that can be of great help or at least is was for me was fibro management course which you could ask your doctor about it helps you to understand your own areas of stress and how to manage it. Fibro is stress and its so random you wont be able to establish a pattern, but you can try, by managing stress. I would add that even that doesn't always work , which is why they have no cure.

By coming up here and reading or maybe even helping others here it will help you not feel so alone and maybe even a little more normal ...... Well hope you keep coming back even if you don't want to say anything

in reply to Royalspec01

You are so right well siad

Trikki profile image

Hello and welcome to a Forum that will give you so much help and support and ways to help in coping with Fibro....and a giggle or two!! There is load of info on our Mother site about Fibro and you can ask away all the questions that must go through your mind...and if I can help just ask....Take care and a gentle hug x

Louise-heather profile image
Louise-heather in reply to Trikki

Hi trikki thank you for your message. I have come on here today and seen so many people with helpful advice. It's good to no that people out there understand. Many thanks xx

rosewine profile image

Welcome to the forum I am glad that you have at last had a diagnosis as that is half the battle. Did you know that if your look on our mother site Fibromyalgia Action UK you can have an information pack sent to your doctor about Fibromyalgia and it can be sent anonymously if you want. A younger doctor under the age of 40 is much more likely to have a good knowledge of fibro that an older one.

Do try to learn to pace yourself if you overdo things in one of your better days you may suffer the consequences for days afterwards. Even if you don't feel like eating try to have small nutritious meals so you don't get run down, plenty of fruit and veg. if your system will stand it.

Medication is trial and error as we all have different symptoms that are more pronounced than others. Some people find taking a very low dose antidepressant helps with both sleep and especially lower back pain. We could probably help you more if we knee what your main symptoms were. Look forward to your future posts.x

We've all been there but in the end your GP will be ok When some one else exsperiance no pain they can't really understand how you are suffering I hope things get better fr you

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Louise-heather

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted for you below a link to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:

I am so genuinely sorry to read that your GP does not know much about Fibro and if you desired, FMA UK can send a medical pack to your GP anonymously? I have pasted you the link below:

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Louise-heather profile image
Louise-heather in reply to TheAuthor

Hi the author in having a so so day sorry to reply a year late! I lost the link and I have only just refund it thank you for your support I hope you are as well as can be x

angiesmith50 profile image

Hi Louise Heather

I'm glad you have finally been diagnosed but sorry you have fibro. One of the things that you need to try and come to terms with is that you won't be the person you were. Pain and fatique changes you. We are in it with you though. Don't push yourself to hard and when you have brain fog just rest. Post your moans your worries and your joy. We're always here day or night. Get yourself some magnessium oil. It helps your brain and fibro people lack it. Although it's says oil it is just water based. Also get some vitamine B12. We lack that too... With vitamines you do get what you pay for so don't get cheap ones. For both your looking at £20 for both. Read up on fibro as much as you can. You will be surprised how many symptoms you will recognise and think "I have that"

Good luck


Louise-heather profile image
Louise-heather in reply to angiesmith50

Hi Angie thank you for your support and advice I take vitamins but only a multi vitamins will look into what u have suggested. So a year later in still just as confused about having fibro I have hunted high and low for this group after I lost the link. Thank you again for your advice xx

Newtali profile image

Some people swear by magnesium maleate. Heat can be helpful, heat pads are good. My daughter and I use Linnex which is a heat stick you can put on (use small amount to begin with at the heat can be quite intense). It is available on the internet but a pain consultant has checked the ingredients and there is nothing dodgy in it! Get your GP to refer you to physio. Also,get a referral to,pain management. If you can afford to pay we have found osteopath to be very good. Massage is also good and usually cheaper than osteopath!

Hope you find some relief very soon.

Louise-heather profile image
Louise-heather in reply to Newtali

Thank you for your message. I'm trying hard to save to see a private doctor taking a long time but my Dr just doesn't seem to under stand. Thank you for the advice about heat I use a hot water bottle. I mentioned pain management to my Dr but nothing has come of it. I will also look into the heat stick. Thank you for your advice x

Thunder1 profile image

Hello welcome to the mad house I'm Thunder 1 ☇and I agree not many Dr's know much about Fibro but your Rhuematologist should be able to help you with any thing. All else fails change your Dr or ask anyone on this forum day or night. I will support anyone who has this as I know how horrible it is it realy gets you down,I will help as much as I can for you. Take care ☇1

Louise-heather profile image
Louise-heather in reply to Thunder1

Sorry I couldn't find this group again. Thank you for your message my Dr hasn't even referred my to a rheumatologist! Or pain team nothing in trying to save to go private but on benefit it's so hard to find money to save lol. Thank you for your support xx

Louise-heather profile image

Thank you all I'm so glad to have people out there that understand why I'm going through as none of my friends do. My life has already changed I can't do many things I use to do. It's nice to no that I can talk to people who no what it's like x

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