what is complex/simple budgeting PIP~... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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what is complex/simple budgeting PIP~how to do reconsideration..need help please..

Ellejm profile image
17 Replies

Hi what does this mean, I got 0 points which meant I failed pip award as only got 6..

Going for reconsideration, but not sure what this means..

I have a support worker with the council who has helped me get DHP for the bedroom tax and they helped do the initial pip application..

I've got bills everywhere, am not coping, have rent arrears of £300..

How do I demonstrate this, my support worker wants to bounce me to another org which I don't want as apparently DHP isn't going to be given to hardly anyone anymore..

My daughters do the gas and electric, and my 15 yr old does the food shopping or its done online...any other bills are DD or my daughter reminds me to pay them..

I also got 4 points for mobility...pain wasn't taken into account, how am I meant to score the points if not..

Any thoughts dear fibromites, I think I'm heading for another breakdown....my eldest child who lives in a residential unit (is coming home this year) took an overdose last night, that and this PIP is making me feel unwell...

I'm on a huge amount of morphine 140mcg via patches

I can't get out, am not sleeping and feel exceedingly stressed...and to be honest I've been feeling like I don't want to be here any more...

I don't have much help apart from kids, my gp isn't helpful, the rhumy thinks I'll be right if I do some gardening..

I was cheated out of DLA 3 years ago cos I could apparently walk 200meters, yet my health is the same and now they are saying I can walk 50-200m !!!!!

I just did b&w subscription, but not sure where to start....thank you x

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Ellejm profile image
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17 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Hello Ellie,

You need to start by sitting down with a cuppa and read through every thing make some notes.

P.I.P is given to people who meet certIN CRITERIA

When they come to asses you they score you points for different aspects of living.

So your ability to cook for yourself well if you do it with out assistance you dont get points.

If you can walk the distance stated no points.

Can you lift things

Can you Talk to people and explane your situation.

Thes are just examples if you score highly because you are unable to do every day things and need help - a cleaner = a carer - whatever. You get my drift it is about the level of disablement.

You can appeal so try again good luck I hope you win through!

(Please do not think I am bring patronising but you seemed a little confused)

dondons99 profile image

Hi hun you must appeal because you need this benefit I know its draining but you must not lose the fight I know life can be tough but the benefit people should know that we are so entitled to this benefit. I really do feel for you, just to let you know I sent my forms off yesterday so will keep you inform if thats OK,

Please take care xx

Ellejm profile image

Hi I'm doing my reconsideration, I got points for bathing, dressing, cooking so 6 points..not walking more than 200m so 4 points...

They refused me on managing budget, even though I have a support worker...

I can talk to professionals only, I haven't been out in 5 years or out alone in 3...

I can't make friends as I feel like everyone leaves me anyway...friends don't stick around...

I need to prove the things I didn't get points on but not sure how....thank you

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Ellejm

I am so sorry to read of your plight, and I would think about seeing a different GP / surgery and finding a doctor that will afford you support to get this benefit. I noted that you have not left the house in 5 years? If so, a supportive GP could help you gain more points towards qualifying for PIP using this statistic?

As ginsing says, make a list of all of your disabilities and how each one affects your day-to-day life and then you have a start to appeal their decision. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Ellejm profile image
Ellejm in reply to TheAuthor

Thanks for the replies..I've left the house but hardly, I can't go out alone as I go dizzy, have no strength and my body can suddenly stop working...

I'm a single mum, and the kids do everything for themselves, ive had falls, last time I bruised my stomach badly, so I can occasionally get out with them...my last blood result was 8.5 which isn't great, and that's with me taking vitamins...

Another thing I failed on was medication, my daughter puts my meds in a dosette box and has to make sure my anti depressants are taken as I have a tendency to forget them..

I have severe eczema and I'm allergic to my patches, I'm prescribed 2 at once and the only place it can go is on my lower back, they knew all this....how the hell can I see my lower back...

Any thoughts gratefully received

Hi Ellijim

Why did they fail you on medication? If you don't mind telling me. I shall have to apply for this soon and it's so daunting!! Good luck with your appeal hun and yes you should go for the appeal xx

Ellejm profile image
Ellejm in reply to

Hi it's not an appeal its reconsideration, they said I can manage meds alone, I told them that I'm forgetful, so I use a dosette box and my daughter puts them in their for me, she also has to put my patches on as they badly irritate my skin, they are huge as I'm prescribed 2x 70mcg they only place they can go is on my lower back, placed anywhere else within 20 mins there would be a huge red square where it had been..

These patches cause their own issues as the amount is massive so been prescribed inhaler as breathing has been affected...these patches are very very potent and difficult to put on as on silver backing etc...I scored 0 points for meds..

Barty1970 profile image

I had to change from Dla Indefinate to Pip last may had an assessment at home last October 2014, and in December had a diassalowance, so asked for a mandatory recon when the claims manager rang, after about 50 phone calls, 10 supportive letters typed by my husband and a letter from my MP, i was awarded Advanced Rate for Mobility & Care not bad as they gave me Zero points at my assessment. I did a full letter explaining what i could and could not do from Mobility to Washing & Dressing, Cooking Etc is really does help. I also stated that unless they took my aplication seriousley i would fight and go to Tribunal

Ellejm profile image
Ellejm in reply to Barty1970

I was awarded points for dressing, bathing & cooking ironically last time I tried for DLA they refused anything for cooking and stated I could walk 200 meters..now the goalposts have moved and they are saying I can't do those things so I've been done basically..

Can I ask what conditions you have which got you this?. Am doing a diary, also need to think of what else I can do as not much time...

Barty1970 profile image

hi i have Fybromylgia, chronic exhaustion, anxiety and depression, fatigue, mobility problems with walking, it took me alot of phone calls and typing supportive letters, they said i could walk more than 50 meter's but i disputed this and told them only 10 to 20 meter's if u need anyhelp my email is lmandy123@aol.com, you should do a letter with headings such as mobility and describe how far you can walk etc if u have any probs with fatigue and pain, and that you cannot do it safely, repeatedly. mandy

Barty1970 profile image

i can email you a copy of my letter so you have a better understanding of how you should present if you like

Ellejm profile image

Hi yes please I'd be very grateful for any help, unfortunately my gp won't do anything to help just wants to give me meds and that it..I was referred to mind, hydrotherapy and pain clinic but haven't gone due to exhaustion, would have to miss rest to get up there...my email is bradbury0630@aol.com thank you so much...

Barty1970 profile image

if poss try and get a list of any medication that your doc is prescribing you i will email the letters i sent them now do you have fybromylgia

Ellejm profile image

Hi yes I have fibro and have it in writing from rhumy, I did take a script with me to assessment..

I got the info huge thanks to you for helping me...

Barty1970 profile image

After all my hard work just been notified i was awarded Advance rate motability and Advanced Care, good luck and dont give up

Ellejm profile image
Ellejm in reply to Barty1970

Well done you totally deserve it, I won't give up, they ripped me off DLA twice, not happening again...if u think of anything at all to help, any links, anything at all, it would all be gratefully received..

I'm so pleased for you xxx

Barty1970 profile image

just make sure you give a full list of your meds, and describe in paragraphs what you can and cannot do, look at the descriptors of PIP, i was awarded 8 points alone for not being able to cook at all, due to me being forgetfull, having pain in my hands and not being able to stand long enough to prepare a meal and cook it, also state how far you can walk i stated 2 meters due to pain and fatigue, and could not walk 20 meters repeatedly or to a safe standard if u need any help just message or email xxx

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