Tuesday night about 9 i looked at my son and said i feel really ill im going to bed..I woke up about 10 with lightening going through my body sweats feeling sick and my body burning with my heart racing madly
I know this is really stupid but i would'nt let my son take me to A/E because it passed after 10/15mins, i did go to the doc's wed but it was a duty doc and she checked my pulse and temp and said thats ok if it happens again were do more tests. Lol she said it could be my age!!!!!!!!
I cant make out why for the last few weeks my energy levels have been so high and now i'm so tired i just need rest....
The only thing that i'm confused about is the lightening that that goes through my legs alot not sure if i'm missing something or the doc is??????
Dose anyone suffer with what feels like lightening going through your body...
Hope your all feeling as good as you can be.
Sunshine hugs viv xx