Well the meeting went quite smoothly and my Union rep was very complimentary about my delivery of my point. Even the chair, head of school, said I was obviously very passionate about my job. However I lost the appeal.
Feeling rather glum about it right now, had a few wobbles, but I have no choice but to keep fighting. If they want me in 100% in the next 365 days, that's what they'll get even if I have to drag myself in. I'm hoping to puke over one of them but doubt I will get that chance. Actually no, I would be mortified and wouldn't dare go again!
My dad says contact Acas but what could they do? Citizens Advice Bureau? I don't know.
Job hunting at the moment. I have an appointment at Occupational Health early July. When it comes to it, should I reduce my hours? Take Medical Retirement? How does that affect my benefit position? All things to be considered.