last week it lasted a day and evening, and the week before lasted 48hr could not move from the settee when i got home could not do any thing but rest , does any one have any ideas to stop this happing would be great full for all the advice on this . soft hugs to all my fibro friend
can any one help when fibro fatigue h... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
can any one help when fibro fatigue hits

hi so sorry to hear your so stressed. the only prevention is to find a pattern of your activities before the fatigue and see if your over doing it previously. it doesn't mean you have to stop but you may have to pace the same thing over time. if I manage my cleaning then I tend to find sitting or coffee time in between chores. that's just a small e.g. standing stresses me this can up my fog which 4 me leads to passing out. Might I also suggest checking it out with your doctor just in case it isn't fibro related. hope this helps xx
I have a similar time management strategy. Takes ages to do anything but I still have some energy credit in my coping bank. I live alone so in some ways it's easier but there's no one to share chores/ jokes/tears with. That's not self pity.
eg on bed changing I might strip it before work, fill laundry later in day the remake bed nearer bed time.
wash up once a day. Combine some tasks like work and shopping so I only go out once instead of parking bike in shed twice.
I suspect you'd like a way of stopping the flares. - there's not a lot. Endorphins are great and I make a lot of my own with help from the resident loonies on this site.
2 ways of stress control. Avoid stressful situations - not always possible but it can be done in some cases.
Decide it doesn't matter. Your priorities will differ from mine.
I suspect stress may help trigger flares as it does other things.
Likewise if in doubt see GP
Good luck and gentle hugs.
Hi I don't know whether you have tried meditation? If you can pace yourself and learned when your body has had enough before there is pain and how to destress [meditation] you might find things are a little easier. It wouldn't hurt. If you can listen to podcasts on an ipad or iphone you can listen to some music for free. They talk you though a body calming technique or two and slowly your body becomes less tense - hopefully meaning better sleep and being more wakeful when you need to be. I sometimes use it to help me get to sleep and it helps during a flareup too. Good luck.
Hi bourne
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you are having fatigue problems, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your issue.
I always find that when the fatigue strikes that I can't physically manage anything for the duration. I was wondering if you also get the so called 'Fibro Fog' when you are fatigued? As I always do!
I have pasted the website link for you to have a look at, in case you haven't seen it. There is lots of useful information about Fibro on the site.
I sincerely hope that you find this useful and that you start feeling your usual self as soon as possible.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Hi bourne
I have just thought of something else that may be of use to you, if you wanted to discuss this matter with your GP?
There is a medication called 'Symmetrel' which is an anti-fatigue medication, it is specifically designed to help you fight fatigue and lethargy. This maybe something that you could talk to your GP about?
Take care
Hi. I am interested in anything legal to help with fatigue. Is your referred medication spelled correctly? I just ask because says: Symmetrel is
Amantadine, which is an antiviral medicine that blocks the actions of viruses in your body. Amantadine is used to treat and prevent influenza A (a viral infection). Amantadine may not be effective during every flu season because certain strains of influenza virus may be resistant to this medicine.16 Jul 2018’. Did I miss something? Thank you for helping me understand. Harmony2
Hi there Bourne Fatigue can hit at any time and affect us all differently by means of how bad it gets depending on our own personal levels. i
It doesn't take much for me to become fatigued. Pacing your activities would be the usual way to help combat it, which is something I learned from the pain management course. Maybe you could speak to your GP about this problem and ask for a referral to the pain clinic and also ask about Chronic Fatigue too and explain why you think you may be dealing with it
The following link will take you to the section about the 'spoon theory' which many people use to help them with their daily pacing issues on the FibroAction website. There is a link at the bottom of it that will take you to the spoon theory too
You may also find some other useful information there too
Healing and energising fluffies on route you hope this helps
Hi bourne
I understand your frustration. I have the same old story. 7 Years ago I found a Toyohari acupuncture practitioner. You can get some info on the web. This helped so much, I could barely belief it. I went to Tony Todd in London for almost 5 years, every 2 weeks and I thank God that I got to a Toyohari practitioner because it gave me some of my oomph back. They use the magnetic field of your body together with tiny needles and moxa. Moxa is used to warm your body which is wonderful for fb. It is not easy to explain, but it was worth the effort and money I put into that. If this is not an option for you, I hope you can find something that works.
I don't get fibro fog (lucky me) but I do get suddenly hit with fatigue. I'm not sure if it's caused by fibro or hypermobility syndrome, doesn't matter which I suppose, unless the treatment is different. I haven't heard of symmetral. Might ask the GP for it. Can you take it just as needed? I don't want to take anything else on an ongoing basis. Thanks
Just try to do things at a easy pace, don't over do it as it knocks u back a few days recovering from the day/days before, (well it does for me), talk to ur gp, he hopefully can help, maybe explain ur situation/give u medication for it, hope this helps you, gentle hugs xx