it s great to hear about other about your canine companions.
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your dogs
Hi anbuma. We have 2 rescue dogs. Buster is a collie crossed we think with a husky type as he has a very thick under coat, not at all like a collie. He is black and white and certainly looks like a collie. He spent more than a year in the rescue centre and was becoming very depressed. He is so loving and asks for cuddles throughout the day. My husband is retired and I no longer work because of my fibro. We also have a staffi crossed with a whippet type, so she is skinny with muscles! She certainly has the staffi loving temperament and instinctively knows when I feel pain or suffer fatigue. She climbs on my lap and stays 'til I simply HAVE to move! I wouldn't be without a canine companion. Do you have a dog?
I have two rescue dogs (my 2nd and 3rd).the dog in my profile pic is my Max who I lost to cancer 7 years ago today.He was from Battersea dogs Home-age 2-3 when I adopted him and a GSD X (I think)Husky as he had a very thick coat and a really bushy tail,He was a wonderful dog and companion and never any problem.I dont know who could have dumped him (he was picked up as a stray).everyone who knew him loved him.I now have Buster who is almost 12 and Annie 6 .5 years.Buster is a dobermann X terrier and Annie is a staffie X gsd.she has the colouring,ears and tail of a GSD and staffie character.she loves people and jumps up to "kiss"total strangers ie when on a bus.she is so loving and when i am "down"shes always there for a cuddle.they both know I am unwell and I am sure they sense I have OC as I feel I do but my doctor up until now disagrees with me despite having symptoms and bloods which were not normal.Id rather have my dogs any day they are far more affectionate,rewarding etc than anyone I know.
You too have a Buster! What a shame that so many dogs end up in rescue centres. But with caring loving homes like ours, the dogs recover from their ordeal and I find them so loyal. Our staffi x is called Echo, we affectionately call her pupsy as she was 5 months old when we got her, she was a stray. Right now she is on the sofa with hubby! They came from the NAWT in Cornwall. They are rescue dogs no's 3 & 4. The first 2 were border collies from the RSPCA in Cornwall. Sorry, what is OC?
ovarian cancer.thank god for rescue centres.have been watching dog rescuers on channel 5 and it shows the RSPCA and some of the atrocious cases they have to deal broke my heart.there are so many rescue centres always full and its a never ending story.however many dogs they rehome they get more in.they do amazing work in helping the dogs adjust and finding them homes..its sad when a dog is in rescue centres because their owners have passed for people who get dogs and cannot look after them ..,my Annie lived with 2 other dogs in a small flat where the owner also worked full time and she and another dog were given up for rehoming.
My annie was 4 months old when I got her and if ever i get a puppy again remind myself to get a cage.came home one day to find contents of bathroom waste bin all over my lounge floor.god knows how many trips she must have made up and down stairs.