You are undoubtedly aware of the planned changes for commissioning services which may mean that commissioning for fertility treatment would go to GP commissioning which we believe could result in even less funding being provided across England.
We would prefer fertility treatment to be commissioned by the proposed NHS Commissioning Board i.e. more centrally.
We have a limited amount of time to try and ensure this happens and would ask you to PLEASE write and let people know your views. We have taken the liberty of drafting a suggested letter which you can then personalise
We would ask you to send this to your MP. If you are unsure who your MP is please go on the following link which will help you find that information
I would be grateful if you feel you can if you would please send me a copy of your letter so we can gauge an idea of how many letters have been sent on this very very important issue.
If you find you live in an area where the PCT has stopped funding fertility treatment – even if temporarily – then the following is a link to a template letter you may wish to use and adapt for your own personal situation to complain about their decision.
Many thanks
Clare Lewis Jones MBE