I am new to the Fertility Network.
My husband and I have been trying for several years to conceive naturally.
Unfortunately, we were informed several months ago that due to my low egg deserve and following egg collection, that my eggs were no longer of good quality and we would need to find an egg donor in order to have children.
Of course, this was a devastating shock to hear and took a while to recover, but we are now back in the saddle, hopeful and would love the help from a black woman - of Caribbean or African descent, our special angel, to donate their eggs for us to have a chance of becoming wonderful parents. This would really change and add even more happiness to our lives.
What's usually involved is the donor would speak to us, or we can arrange for you to call our fertility clinic in Central London to make an appointment to donate. They will advise on all the process and fee paid to you for donating, ensuring total confidentiality throughout. If you would like to meet with my hubby and I too, that's also fine with us.
Am so hoping there is someone on the network, or knows of someone who would like to become a egg donor please?
Thank you so much. xxx