You will have hopefully seen on the INUK website the link to the publishing of the All Party Parliamentary Group on access to IVF. The BBC News cover this here (and there is a link to INUK too!)
My take on this, is that my PCT is one of those offering the smallest amount - am I grateful that they are offering at all??? My PCT offer one fresh cycle (no frozen linked to this), if you have been trying for 3 years and are between the age of 30-34.
I happen to be in the eligible age range, I'm guess I'm lucky that I fit in it, if we had started trying any earlier, then I would be too young and have to self fund after years of trying, any later and by the time I got to the 3-year mark, I would have been too old to get the NHS funded treatment.
I had my one NHS funded cycle in March this year. It ended in early miscarriage. Any other cycles will be self-funded, and as I need ICSI, this will cost approx £5k per go. This is a big financial pressure. The only way that I can justify the spend is that if I had gotten pregnant when I first planned, I would have given up work for 3 years and therefore have that salary which in my ideal world wouldn't have been earned - we had worked out that we could just about afford for me to give up work. Therefore, I won't starve if I go for the treatment, but life has had to be downscaled to even get a hope at having a baby.
I know that I'm very lucky to be able to afford this, but, I do feel that all couples without children should be able to access the level of treatment to the NICE guidelines standard. I'm debating at the moment whether I want to get an appointment with my MP to discuss with him (esp as he has just had his 4th child!)