I had my 3rd frozen embryo transfer of a hatching embry on 24th February and was fortunate enough to get a BFP.
As a bit of reassurance while I wait for the viability scan at my clinic, I booked a beta HCG test at another clinic at 22DPT (5 weeks 5 days - 6 weeks pregnant). The results were off the charts at 64,700miu/ml, pretty much DOUBLE what they should be at 6 week pregnancy which I may be just on the cusp of.
Googling has brought up the possibility of multiples / molar pregnancy / cancers / high risk of downs syndrome, and naturally i am so worried. My clinic have booked me in for a repeat HCG tomorrow but I wish they’d just do a scan. They wont do one until 7.5 weeks.
Im so worried. Has anyone had abnormally high hcg?