I’ve been on this rollercoaster for over a year now taking all the supplements, following Mediterranean diet plans, exercising and doing everything else possible to support IVF. I was given a recommendation by my consultant to try fruit rich in magnesium and antioxidants and have been drinking cacao fruit juice daily. It may be coincidental or a combination of everything I’m doing but I’ve seen an increase in my AMH and AFC and recent egg collection resulted in 6 mature eggs whereas in my last 2 cycles I’ve only managed 1!! To say I’m thrilled is an understatement. I’m sure it’s not a silver bullet but worth a try for others like me. If you’d like more details DM me and I’m happy to share xx
Nutrition during TTC : I’ve been on... - Fertility Network UK
Nutrition during TTC

hi Winnie
Congrats on the increase that’s amazing work - I would like to know what it is you’ve tried different please?
Thank you
I’d love some more info on what has helped 😊
Hi MontsJ
So I think it’s probably down to a mixture of things but the biggest change I made was drinking the cacaofruit juice which I’m convinced did something. Also after my last failed collection in October which was awful, I hunkered down and took my nutrition and overall fitness super seriously. I was actually starting donor egg treatment but when I went for my baseline uterus scan they noticed the increase in follicles and suggested one last OE try. It was my private fertility consultant (separate to my clinic) that had suggested juice from a cacao juice brand a couple of months ago, as they don’t add lots of extra stuff, has natural antioxidants and it’s quite gentle on the tummy. I’ll send the name privately as conscious we are not allowed to mention on a public post.
I eat 140-150g of protein per day and I do weightlifting twice per week, yoga twice per week and cardio (netball) once per week. For my prior egg collections I’d only done yoga and walking the dog.
In terms of supplements each day I used…
Coq-10 x4 softgels
Omega 3 vegan softgels x2
Lipoic acid x1Hello!
Fertility vitamin x2 per day
iron x1 sachet
Vitamin E drops x3
Hi! Would love to know where you sourced the cacao fruit juice?
aw well done! Would you mind sending it to me to please regarding the cacao juice.. also the Coq-10 x4 softgels? Many thanks. Have everything crossed for you…
Can I join in requesting a link to cacao juice too? Can’t seem to be able to find it online
Hiya, can I also get a DM about the cocoa juice please?
Can you share with me too please? Thanks! X