Hi there,My partner and I have been trying for 15 months (I'm 37 and he's 43) I had a fertility check up a few years ago when I was single and they found I had an amh of 44 with lots of follices and it all looked fine. Since coming off the pill I've had light, short periods lasting only 2 days with spotting either side. I don't know why but I always thought there might be something wrong which is why I had the test when I was single. I was shocked yesterday to find I have endometriosis with endometiomas on both ovaries (one on each) and one of my ovaries looks like it's stuck. They said I might need surgery to release the ovary to retrieve the eggs for IVF but I know that comes with risks. My partner's got good volume and motility but morphology is 2/3%. We are seeing the consultant in a couple of weeks. I keep crying all the time and it's really effecting my mental health. I'm worried this is going to go on for years but I want to remain hopeful. I know other people have it much worse so feel bad for feeling so awful about it.
We're at the start of the journey really but I'm wondering if anyone has been through similar or has any advice. Thanks x